Resolution: Unresolved
[Documenation on plugin](https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Groovy+plugin) is incomplete. It says that
The system groovy script, OTOH, runs inside the Jenkins master's JVM. Thus it will have access to all the internal objects of Jenkins, so you can use this to alter the state of Jenkins. It is similar to the Jenkins Script Console functionality.
Yet I find that a script that runs without incident in the Script Console does not run as a System Groovy Script in the build. How can the classpath be set so that such a script can actually run? We need documentation on how to make this work.
Also undocumented is the location from which a system groovy script file is to be retrieved. From looking at source code, it seems to be the job's workspace.
Please improve the documentation so this functionality is actually usable.
[JENKINS-36150] Documentation on using the groovy plugin is weak
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