Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins 2.7.1
java.runtime.version 1.8.0_71-b15
java.specification.vendor Oracle Corporation
ace-editor 1.1
allure-jenkins-plugin 2.10
analysis-core 1.78
android-lint 2.3
ansicolor 0.4.2
ant 1.3
antisamy-markup-formatter 1.5
authentication-tokens 1.3
branch-api 1.10
build-timeout 1.17
build-token-root 1.4
changelog-history 1.4
cloudbees-folder 5.12
cobertura 1.9.8
compress-buildlog 1.0
conditional-buildstep 1.3.5
config-file-provider 2.11
copyartifact 1.38
credentials 2.1.4
credentials-binding 1.8
cucumber 0.0.2
cucumber-reports 2.5.1
cucumber-testresult-plugin 0.8.2
cvs 2.12
delivery-pipeline-plugin 0.9.12
docker-build-step 1.35
docker-commons 1.4.0
docker-plugin 0.16.0
downstream-buildview 1.9
durable-task 1.11
email-ext 2.44
embeddable-build-status 1.9
envinject 1.92.1
Exclusion 0.12
extended-read-permission 1.0
external-monitor-job 1.4
git 2.5.0-beta3
git-client 1.20.0-beta2
git-parameter 0.6.0
git-server 1.7
github 1.19.2
github-api 1.76
github-branch-source 1.8.1
github-oauth 0.22.3
github-organization-folder 1.3
gitlab-plugin 1.3.0
global-build-stats 1.4
google-container-registry-auth 0.3
google-metadata-plugin 0.2
google-oauth-plugin 0.4
google-storage-plugin 0.10
gradle 1.24
handlebars 1.1.1
hipchat 1.0.0
hsts-filter-plugin 1.0
htmlpublisher 1.11
icon-shim 2.0.3
jacoco 2.0.1
javadoc 1.4
jenkins-multijob-plugin 1.21
jira 2.2.1
job-dsl 1.48
jobConfigHistory 2.14
join 1.21
jquery 1.11.2-0
jquery-detached 1.2.1
junit 1.15
junit-attachments 1.4.2
kubernetes 0.7
ldap 1.12
libvirt-slave 1.8.5
mailer 1.17
mask-passwords 2.8
matrix-auth 1.4
matrix-project 1.7.1
maven-deployment-linker 1.5.1
maven-plugin 2.13
momentjs 1.1.1
multiple-scms 0.6
next-build-number 1.4
nodelabelparameter 1.7.2
nunit 0.17
oauth-credentials 0.3
pam-auth 1.3
parameterized-trigger 2.31
pipeline-build-step 2.2
pipeline-input-step 2.0
pipeline-rest-api 1.5
pipeline-stage-step 2.1
pipeline-stage-view 1.5
plain-credentials 1.2
postbuild-task 1.8
powershell 1.3
preSCMbuildstep 0.3
promoted-builds 2.27
publish-over-ftp 1.12
publish-over-ssh 1.14
python 1.3
repository 1.3
ruby-runtime 0.12
run-condition 1.0
scm-api 1.2
script-security 1.21
secure-requester-whitelist 1.0
seleniumhtmlreport 1.0
sonar 2.4.4
ssh-credentials 1.12
ssh-slaves 1.11
structs 1.2
subversion 2.6
test-results-analyzer 0.3.4
text-finder 1.10
timestamper 1.8.4
token-macro 1.12.1
trac 1.13
translation 1.15
validating-string-parameter 2.3
violations 0.7.11
warnings 4.56
windows-slaves 1.1
workflow-aggregator 2.2
workflow-api 2.1
workflow-basic-steps 2.0
workflow-cps 2.9
workflow-cps-global-lib 2.1
workflow-durable-task-step 2.3
workflow-job 2.3
workflow-multibranch 2.8
workflow-scm-step 2.2
workflow-step-api 2.2
workflow-support 2.2
ws-cleanup 0.29Jenkins 2.7.1 java.runtime.version 1.8.0_71-b15 java.specification.vendor Oracle Corporation Plugins: ace-editor 1.1 allure-jenkins-plugin 2.10 analysis-core 1.78 android-lint 2.3 ansicolor 0.4.2 ant 1.3 antisamy-markup-formatter 1.5 async-http-client authentication-tokens 1.3 branch-api 1.10 build-pipeline-plugin build-timeout 1.17 build-token-root 1.4 changelog-history 1.4 cloudbees-folder 5.12 cobertura 1.9.8 compress-buildlog 1.0 conditional-buildstep 1.3.5 config-file-provider 2.11 copyartifact 1.38 credentials 2.1.4 credentials-binding 1.8 cucumber 0.0.2 cucumber-reports 2.5.1 cucumber-testresult-plugin 0.8.2 cvs 2.12 delivery-pipeline-plugin 0.9.12 docker-build-step 1.35 docker-commons 1.4.0 docker-plugin 0.16.0 downstream-buildview 1.9 durable-task 1.11 email-ext 2.44 embeddable-build-status 1.9 envinject 1.92.1 Exclusion 0.12 extended-read-permission 1.0 external-monitor-job 1.4 git 2.5.0-beta3 git-client 1.20.0-beta2 git-parameter 0.6.0 git-server 1.7 github 1.19.2 github-api 1.76 github-branch-source 1.8.1 github-oauth 0.22.3 github-organization-folder 1.3 gitlab-plugin 1.3.0 global-build-stats 1.4 google-container-registry-auth 0.3 google-metadata-plugin 0.2 google-oauth-plugin 0.4 google-storage-plugin 0.10 gradle 1.24 handlebars 1.1.1 hipchat 1.0.0 hsts-filter-plugin 1.0 htmlpublisher 1.11 icon-shim 2.0.3 jacoco 2.0.1 javadoc 1.4 jenkins-multijob-plugin 1.21 jira 2.2.1 job-dsl 1.48 jobConfigHistory 2.14 join 1.21 jquery 1.11.2-0 jquery-detached 1.2.1 junit 1.15 junit-attachments 1.4.2 kubernetes 0.7 ldap 1.12 libvirt-slave 1.8.5 mailer 1.17 mapdb-api mask-passwords 2.8 matrix-auth 1.4 matrix-project 1.7.1 maven-deployment-linker 1.5.1 maven-plugin 2.13 momentjs 1.1.1 multiple-scms 0.6 next-build-number 1.4 nodelabelparameter 1.7.2 nunit 0.17 oauth-credentials 0.3 pam-auth 1.3 parameterized-trigger 2.31 pipeline-build-step 2.2 pipeline-input-step 2.0 pipeline-rest-api 1.5 pipeline-stage-step 2.1 pipeline-stage-view 1.5 plain-credentials 1.2 postbuild-task 1.8 powershell 1.3 preSCMbuildstep 0.3 promoted-builds 2.27 publish-over-ftp 1.12 publish-over-ssh 1.14 python 1.3 repository 1.3 ruby-runtime 0.12 run-condition 1.0 scm-api 1.2 script-security 1.21 secure-requester-whitelist 1.0 seleniumhtmlreport 1.0 sonar 2.4.4 ssh-credentials 1.12 ssh-slaves 1.11 structs 1.2 subversion 2.6 test-results-analyzer 0.3.4 text-finder 1.10 timestamper 1.8.4 token-macro 1.12.1 trac 1.13 translation 1.15 validating-string-parameter 2.3 violations 0.7.11 warnings 4.56 windows-slaves 1.1 workflow-aggregator 2.2 workflow-api 2.1 workflow-basic-steps 2.0 workflow-cps 2.9 workflow-cps-global-lib 2.1 workflow-durable-task-step 2.3 workflow-job 2.3 workflow-multibranch 2.8 workflow-scm-step 2.2 workflow-step-api 2.2 workflow-support 2.2 ws-cleanup 0.29
Used DSL script:
freeStyleJob('Example_Exclusion_job'){ wrappers { exclusionResources('first', 'second') } steps { criticalBlock { shell('echo Hello World!') } } }
When a job generated from the above DSL script gets created, the managed resources 'first' and 'second' do not show up on the list of declared resources inside the Exclusion panel (<JENKINS_URL>/administrationpanel/. However when you enter the configuration page of said generated job and just click the Save button(without making ANY changes), they will appear on the list(the xml config of a job gets modified).
Please note that I do have in mind the "List declared resources" list, not "List of currently allocated resources". However the currently used resources always show up properly on the list of allocated resources, even if it was started right after creation (from DSL).
I am attaching xml config of the job generated from DSL (generated.xml) and the one after clicking the 'Save' button.
[JENKINS-36683] Exclusion Plugin Resources set in jobs generated from DSL do not show up on the list of declared resources inside Exclusion control panel.
Workflow | Original: JNJira [ 173410 ] | New: JNJira + In-Review [ 185114 ] |
Resolution | New: Fixed [ 1 ] | |
Status | Original: Open [ 1 ] | New: Resolved [ 5 ] |
Status | Original: Resolved [ 5 ] | New: Closed [ 6 ] |