Resolution: Unresolved
We've been noticing problems with our jenkins branch indexing, which seems to hang from several minutes to hours. We see a lot of Branch indexing jobs on the queue and in the Branch indexing log itself, it shows (what we believe) a complete log with a loading spinner gif at the end.
Not sure what the error is. Would be happy to dig in and provide more info if needed.
Jenkins version: 2.7.1
Installed Plugins:
Ant Plugin - 1.3
Authentication Tokens API Plugin - 1.3
Branch API Plugin - 1.10
build timeout plugin - 1.17
CloudBees Docker Pipeline - 1.6
Credentials Plugin - 2.1.4
CVS Plug-in - 2.12
Docker Commons Plugin - 1.4.0
Durable Task Plugin - 1.11
External Monitor Job Type Plugin - 1.5
Folders Plugin - 5.12
Git client plugin - 1.19.6
Git plugin - 2.5.2
GIT server Plugin - 1.7
GitHub API Plugin - 1.76
GitHub Branch Source Plugin - 1.8.1
GitHub Organization Folder Plugin - 1.3
GitHub plugin - 1.19.2
Google Login Plugin - 1.2.1
Icon Shim Plugin - 2.0.3
Javadoc Plugin - 1.4
JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin - 1.1
JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin - 1.1.1
JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin - 1.2.1
JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin - 1.1.1
JUnit Plugin - 1.15
LDAP Plugin - 1.12
Mailer Plugin - 1.17
MapDB API Plugin -
Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin - 1.4
Matrix Project Plugin - 1.7.1
Maven Integration plugin - 2.13
OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin - 1.5
PAM Authentication plugin - 1.3
Pipeline - 2.2
Pipeline: API - 2.1
Pipeline: Basic Steps - 2.0
Pipeline: Build Step - 2.2
Pipeline: Groovy - 2.9
Pipeline: Input Step - 2.0
Pipeline: Job - 2.3
Pipeline: Multibranch - 2.8
Pipeline: Nodes and Processes - 2.3
Pipeline: REST API Plugin - 1.5
Pipeline: SCM Step - 2.2
Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries - 2.1
Pipeline: Stage Step - 2.1
Pipeline: Stage View Plugin - 1.5
Pipeline: Step API - 2.2
Pipeline: Supporting APIs - 2.2
Plain Credentials Plugin - 1.2
Role-based Authorization Strategy - 2.3.2
SCM API Plugin - 1.2
Script Security Plugin - 1.21
Simple Theme Plugin - 0.3
Slack Notification Plugin - 2.0.1
SSH Credentials Plugin - 1.12
SSH Slaves plugin - 1.11
Structs Plugin - 1.2
Subversion Plug-in - 2.6
ThinBackup - 1.7.4
Timestamper - 1.8.4
Token Macro Plugin - 1.12.1
Translation Assistance plugin - 1.15
Windows Slaves Plugin - 1.1
After a few days there are so many "Branch Indexing" messages that it fills up the screen and doesn't process new PRs anymore.
Jenkins needs to be restarted for this to be bypassed.