Resolution: Fixed
Gitlab Plugin 1.3.0. Jenkins 2.7.1 hosted on Windows 7 64-bit, Java 1.8 64-bit. Client is Chrome 51 on Windows 10
On Manage Jenkins -> Configure System, in the Gitlab section, there's a Credentials section that had a drop-down list where I should be able to specify an API Token. The drop down says "-none" and has no other options. If I choose Add -> Jenkins, then under Kind I can select "GitLab API token" and put in the info, and click Add. But the credential I've added does not show up in the drop-down, so I can't select it, and I have the red "API Token for Gitlab access required" message.
I expect to be able to see the API token credential I have added in the drop-down list so I can select it and connect. But it is not there.
As a result I am unable to use the plugin at all.
There was already an issue for this on GitHub but unfortunately I can't reproduce it. So may I ask you for installing the following plugin: Support Core Plugin in your Jenkins and generate a support bundle. This will generate a Dockerfile that can be used to generate a docker image that should contain a Jenkins with a similar setup to yours. Maybe this helps to identify the cause for this issue.