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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-37369

Multibranch Pipeline: Last build information is not propagated to Jenkins View

      The build information Last Success, Last Failure and Last Duration is not propagated to the Jenkins view. The Jenkins view showing the multibranch pipeline folder always shows N/A. The latest built branch should propagate this build information to the outside view.

          [JENKINS-37369] Multibranch Pipeline: Last build information is not propagated to Jenkins View

          Sverre Moe created issue -
          Sverre Moe made changes -
          Attachment New: jenkinspipeline1.png [ 33604 ]
          Sverre Moe made changes -
          Attachment New: jenkinspipeline2.png [ 33605 ]
          Jesse Glick made changes -
          Component/s New: core [ 15593 ]
          Component/s Original: workflow-multibranch-plugin [ 21465 ]
          Jesse Glick made changes -
          Component/s Original: branch-api-plugin [ 18621 ]
          Jesse Glick made changes -
          Labels Original: Pipeline New: folders multibranch
          Colin Bennett made changes -
          Link New: This issue is related to JENKINS-32974 [ JENKINS-32974 ]
          Stephen Connolly made changes -
          Labels Original: folders multibranch New: folders multibranch scm-api-tidy-scrub
          Stephen Connolly made changes -
          Assignee Original: Stephen Connolly [ stephenconnolly ] New: CloudBees Inc. [ cloudbees ]
          Stephen Connolly made changes -
          Link New: This issue blocks JENKINS-41747 [ JENKINS-41747 ]
          Stephen Connolly made changes -
          Labels Original: folders multibranch scm-api-tidy-scrub New: folders multibranch scm-api-tidy

            Unassigned Unassigned
            djviking Sverre Moe
            4 Vote for this issue
            16 Start watching this issue
