Resolution: Unresolved
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Blue Ocean 1.1, Blue Ocean 1.2-beta1, Blue Ocean 1.2-beta2, Blue Ocean 1.4 - beta 3, Blue Ocean 1.5 - beta 2
This improvement is on the Blue Ocean project roadmap. Check the roadmap page for updates.
Same pipeline as JENKINS-38337
stage "Stage 1" stage ("Trigger jobs") { parallel( downstream1: { build 'downstream1' }, downstream2: { build 'downstream2' } ) }
In the logs, we see things like Starting building: downstream2 #3, however unlike the classic console, this is not a link, so you can't browse to the other build.
Out of scope:
When the "don't wait" mode is used, there is no link to the resultant downstream job, so no need to link it back ( ie build job: 'downer', wait: false)
- is duplicated by
JENKINS-44730 pipeline build command does not display other job in blueocean UI
- Closed
JENKINS-49439 Blue Ocean does not render Pipeline Build Link
- Closed
JENKINS-38337 Bullets for building external jobs are not represented in parallel block
- Closed
JENKINS-45458 workflow plugin Build job in blue ocean view is not navigating to the job getting build
- Closed
JENKINS-48849 No downstream links in Blue Ocean with Bitbucket Multibranch
- Closed
JENKINS-44685 Make links to builds triggered with the 'build' step clickable
- Resolved
JENKINS-50402 When building a downstream job in Blue Ocean it would great to have a link in the image of the branch to the downstream job
- Closed
JENKINS-41851 Downstream job URL in blueocean UI
- Resolved
JENKINS-42605 Directly jump to sub jobs started from a pipeline
- Resolved
JENKINS-44582 Put links for triggered jobs
- Resolved
- is related to
JENKINS-50408 Highlight difficult to see after clicking on stage
- Closed
- relates to
JENKINS-45135 Add links to triggered Job in pipeline as
- Resolved
JENKINS-43107 Support console annotations and log stuff
- Resolved
- links to
- mentioned in
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[JENKINS-38339] UI for downstream jobs launched with 'build' step
The first suggestion (add links to the sub builds) is most important/most useful IMO.
The second idea also sounds interesting, but I think it would be best in addition to having links to the sub builds, not replacing the links.
After thinking about this some more, I think we should just have links to downstream builds.
Downstream builds are likely to be long running (eg in my use case, this is why they're sub builds, made in parallel) and have large log files- the build view is already very heavy and merging downstream builds into the parent build view page could make it too slow to be useful.
thanks mbmop.
jamesdumay is there a related design ticket - as there still seems some todos for the design of this (unless there is and I didn't see it).
michaelneale not yet - its a WIP. We mostly need to investigate getting this data our of the flow graph when:
- It triggers and continues
- It triggers and waits
jamesdumay ack.. yes it seems like an MVP would just be hyper links anyway and solve most peoples problems. Then once we have the data and that working, can investigate rodrigc idea about showing an expandable view of what is happening if it makes sense still.
Testing Notes:
- When implemented, unit tests should accompany the changes.
- An automated test should be created to verify the validity of any links which are created in this way. There are a number of other changes in flight for the logging, and the ATH for those scenarios probably deserves a revisit
hey alobato in your usage of this (I have never used it myself) - so you use the default build where it waits for downstream, or the "wait: false" set and forget? (in the former there is a link to the actual downstream run - the latter, there is no link to the actual run, just the job page) - if you aren't sure, just show me the output or the pipeline
Backend changes PR: https://github.com/jenkinsci/blueocean-plugin/pull/1575
I'll switch over to some other stuff to give people a chance to look at it before I whip up some UI.
Code changed in jenkins
User: Josh McDonald
feature/JENKINS-38339-link-downstream-builds-to-trigger-node * Functionality OK, needs tests and javadocs
Code changed in jenkins
User: Josh McDonald
feature/JENKINS-38339-link-downstream-builds-to-trigger-node * Add unit test, javadocs, bump parent-pom to run tests from Idea
Code changed in jenkins
User: Josh McDonald
Merge branch 'master' into feature/JENKINS-38339-link-downstream-builds-to-trigger-node
Code changed in jenkins
User: Josh McDonald
Merge branch 'master' into feature/JENKINS-38339-link-downstream-builds-to-trigger-node
Code changed in jenkins
User: Josh McDonald
feature/JENKINS-38339-link-downstream-builds-to-trigger-node * Unstar imports, clean up JavaDocs
Code changed in jenkins
User: Josh McDonald
Merge remote-tracking branch 'github-funk/feature/JENKINS-38339-link-downstream-builds-to-trigger-node' into feature/JENKINS-38339-link-downstream-builds-to-trigger-node
Code changed in jenkins
User: Andrew Bayer
Merge pull request #18 from sophistifunk/feature/JENKINS-38339-link-downstream-builds-to-trigger-node
Mark downstream runs with pointer to upstream FlowNode
Compare: https://github.com/jenkinsci/pipeline-build-step-plugin/compare/2e4012ecac35...4e115c5a18d0
We're extremely interested in having this functionality available. Will the proposed link work with both downstream pipelines and Jenkins classic jobs? We use a combination of both in our use case. If the downstream is a pipeline, will it navigate to the running pipeline in Blue Ocean?
UI changes PR: https://github.com/jenkinsci/blueocean-plugin/pull/1675
stevenv good questoin, an experiment (if you have the ability to build it) would be worthwhile, but I expect it would work the same, as it doesn't necessarily care what is in the "build" step for things it triggers (ie what type it is) so ideally it would just work.
It should be fine. It definitely won't work for classic upstream jobs tho.
I tested this fix out in 1.5 beta-2. It works well!
I found one minor problem in the UI, where it is difficult to identify which stage is selected in the UI.
kzantow wrote up this ticket, because I was having temporary problems with my JIRA login acces:
Is there a way to aggregate the triggered builds within a parallel stage? I'm launching 12 or so builds as a parallel stage (the whole build is basically just a dummy/launchpad for other builds) and clicking each individual stage to get the downstream link is very slightly bothersome
How can we enabled this feature? We are using BlueOcean 1.82 with declaraitve pipelines and do not see links.
stage('launch builds') { parallel { stage('stereo/offline') { steps { build job: 'rebuild', parameters:[ string(name: 'CONFIG_TO_BUILD', value: 'stereo/offline') ], propagate: true, wait: true } } stage('second_config') { steps { build job: 'rebuild', parameters:[ string(name: 'CONFIG_TO_BUILD', value: 'second_config') ], propagate: true, wait: true } } } }
The invoked job 'rebuild' is also a declarative pipeline.
It is still a problem in December 2018.
stage('Test Stack') { parallel { stage('Functional Tests') { steps { build job: 'TEST-functional' } } stage('View Tests') { steps { build job: 'TEST-view' } } } post { failure { echo 'Some of the functional/view tests failed. Tearing down the stack.' build job: 'TEST-teardown' } } }
None of TEST-functional, TEST-view, TEST-teardown are visible in BlueOcean (it looks like even the echo message got lost)
However, the console output references all of the jobs - no issues there.
I'm also seeing this issue when the triggered build is inside a parallel stage.
vlatombe can you update status? As Mike above I don't see links for triggered jobs in parallel step, only after the triggered job is done.
Behavior and appearance in single and in parallel stages have difference. There are no link on child job if it was executed from parallel block. Can someone change bug status?
I have just updated blue ocean from 1.5 (where this UI feature was originally introduced, and working fine) to 1.10.1 and no longer have links to downstream jobs in my parallel steps.
Try to use parallel sequential stages syntax. There are only one problem if we have N nested stages we get job links only in first N-1. We should add last stage in row w/o running build in it.
pipeline{ agent any stages{ stage('Nested parallel'){ parallel{ stage("parallel 1"){ stages{ stage("Nested 1 with child in it"){ steps{ script{ build "TestJob" } } } stage('Nested 2 with child in it'){ steps{ script{ build "TestJob" } } } stage('Nested 3 w/o childs'){ steps{ echo "E-mail" } } } } stage("parallel 2"){ stages{ stage("Nested 1 with child in it"){ steps{ script{ build "TestJob" } } } stage('Nested 2 with child in it'){ steps{ script{ build "TestJob" } } } stage('Nested 3 w/o childs'){ steps{ echo "E-mail" } } } } } } } }
I tried this. Doesn't work. I get the links only after the triggered builds finish.
During the parallel run, I only see the build name and the number in the console but no link in blue ocean ui.
Build Link for jobs launched inside parallel stages would be most appreciated! Without this, we are kinda stuck having to open so many windows to track what's going on. Especially since many of our stages are propagate : false and/or wait: false.
EDIT : Actually the exact bug is that Links don't show up if a parallel stage has only one build.
If parallel stage has 2 or more builds in series, then the links show up.
For non-parallel stages, the URL shows up, but only after the child build is finished. So another request - create the URL link while the job is running. Some of our jobs take many minutes or hours and so having a live link would be really really useful.
Thank you!
I'll look into this a bit today. Might be more difficult than it seems tho. Fairly warned, be ye, says I.
I'll keep you guys posted.
Thanks a lot Josh. Here is a testcase and some pictures to illustrate the bug in case the description wasn't clear.
P1_1 and P1_2 show links, but P2 doesn't.
I am getting around now by simply adding a dummy "stage" before P2 in that branch of the parallel stage.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Parallel Stage') {
parallel {
stage('P1') {
stages {
stage('P1_1') { steps
{ build job: 'child', parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'STAGE', value: 'P1_1']] }}
stage('P1_2') { steps
{ build job: 'child', parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'STAGE', value: 'P1_2']] }}
{ steps \{ build job: 'child', parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'STAGE', value: 'P2']] }}
For me adding an empty non-build step - doesn't solve the issue. I see links but only after the job was completed (either success or failure)
Still trying to figure this one out, but it's definitely a bug, and only seems to affect declarative pipelines, which makes for a nice test case of the same pipeline in both declarative and original pipeline versions.
Pull request to fix the regression (and extra tests) is here: https://github.com/jenkinsci/blueocean-plugin/pull/1933 - give it a few days as most of the reviewers are away from the office right now.
Hello, I am on Blue Ocean 1.17.0, and I do not see a link to my downstream jobs. Was there a regression?
I have more information on the matter - I was triggering downstream jobs within a `parallel` step (not sure if this has anything to do with it). In an earlier sequential stage, if I trigger another downstream build job, it causes itself and the ones in the parallel steps (that didn't show up before) to show up in their respective "Triggered Jobs" sections.
Below is my groovy script. In the first sequential stage there is a downstream no-op job I made that, when triggered, seems to make the "Triggered Jobs" section show up for the other two downstream jobs that are triggered in the parallel stages further down. Without the no-op job, the "Triggered Jobs" section won't show up for the other two. The formatting of this code won't paste right (missing newlines here and there), so apologies.
pipeline { agent none options { // Ideally, PRs build in less than 5 timeout(time: 15, unit: 'MINUTES') } environment { CI = 'true' AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = credentials('aws-access-key-id-test') AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = credentials('aws-secret-access-key-test') } stages { stage('Abort previous builds on PR') { steps { // Not sure how this works, but… https://stackoverflow.com/a/52811034 milestone label: '', ordinal: Integer.parseInt(env.BUILD_ID) - 1 milestone label: '', ordinal: Integer.parseInt(env.BUILD_ID) // NOTE: Triggering this no-op job makes all Triggered Builds show up!!! build 'Utilities/TriggeringThisInStepsMakesTriggeredBuildsShowUp' } } stage('PR tests') { failFast false parallel { stage('Linting & formatting') { agent { node { label 'Node' } } steps { script { pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'pending', context: 'Format & Syntax (backend)', description: 'Checking code quality…', targetUrl: env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL) try { sh '! git diff --name-only ^HEAD origin/trunk | grep "^backend"' echo "No changes found, skipping tests." pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'success', context: 'Format & Syntax (backend)', description: 'Skipped (no changes).') } catch (e) { echo "Changes found, running tests." ansiColor('xterm') { // Check for it-block .only() calls which skip all other // tests in a suite. These should NEVER be version-checked. sh "! git grep '\\<it\\.only\\>'" sh 'rm -rf ./frontend' sh 'yarn' sh 'yarn eslint ./backend' sh 'yarn prettier -c "./backend/**/*.js"' pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'success', context: 'Format & Syntax (backend)', description: 'Squeaky clean! You win today.') } } } } post { failure { script { pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'failure', context: 'Format & Syntax (backend)', description: 'Wow, did you even look at how malformed your code is?', targetUrl: env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL) } } } } stage('Frontend tests') { agent { node { label 'Node' } } steps { script { pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'pending', context: 'Unit tests (frontend)', description: 'Making sure you didn\'t break anything…', targetUrl: env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL) try { sh '! git diff --name-only ^HEAD origin/trunk | grep "^frontend"' sh '! git diff --name-only ^HEAD origin/trunk | grep "^shared-utilities"' echo "No changes found, skipping tests." pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'success', context: 'Unit tests (frontend)', description: 'Skipped (no changes).') } catch (e) { echo "Changes found, running tests." sh 'rm -rf ./backend' sh 'yarn' dir('frontend') { ansiColor('xterm') { sh 'yarn test:ci --coverage --json --outputFile=test-results.json' } } pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'success', context: 'Unit tests (frontend)', description: 'Hot damn, they passed!') } } } post { always { script { if (fileExists('frontend/test-results.json')) { archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'frontend/test-results.json', fingerprint: true } } } failure { script { pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'failure', context: 'Unit tests (frontend)', description: 'What did you do???', targetUrl: env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL) } } } } stage('Backend tests') { agent { node { label 'Node' } } steps { script { pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'pending', context: 'Unit tests (backend)', description: 'Making sure you didn\'t break anything…', targetUrl: env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL) try { sh '! git diff --name-only ^HEAD origin/trunk | grep "^backend"' sh '! git diff --name-only ^HEAD origin/trunk | grep "^shared-utilities"' echo "No changes found, skipping tests." pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'success', context: 'Unit tests (backend)', description: 'Skipped (no changes).') } catch (e) { echo "Changes found, running tests." COMMIT = sh(script: 'git rev-parse HEAD', returnStdout: true).trim() build job: 'Build_Phases/test-backend-parallel', parameters: [ [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'COMMIT', value: COMMIT] ], wait: true pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'success', context: 'Unit tests (backend)', description: 'Wow, way to go!!') } } } post { failure { script { pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'failure', context: 'Unit tests (backend)', description: 'Something terrible has happened.', targetUrl: env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL) } } } } stage('Shared-utilities tests') { agent { node { label 'Node' } } steps { script { pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'pending', context: 'Unit tests (shared-utilities)', description: 'Making sure you didn\'t break anything…', targetUrl: env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL) try { sh '! git diff --name-only ^HEAD origin/trunk | grep "^shared-utilities"' echo "No changes found, skipping tests." pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'success', context: 'Unit tests (shared-utilities)', description: 'Skipped (no changes).') } catch (e) { echo "Changes found, running tests." sh 'rm -rf ./frontend && rm -rf ./backend' sh 'yarn' dir('shared-utilities') { ansiColor('xterm') { sh 'yarn test --coverage --json --outputFile=test-results.json' } } pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'success', context: 'Unit tests (shared-utilities)', description: 'Congratulations, you may work another day.') } } } post { always { script { if (fileExists('shared-utilities/test-results.json')) { archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'shared-utilities/test-results.json', fingerprint: true } } } failure { script { pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'failure', context: 'Unit tests (shared-utilities)', description: 'Look, I get it. It\'s hard. FIX THIS!!!', targetUrl: env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL) } } } } stage('Browser tests') { agent { node { label 'Node' } } environment { CLIENT = 'main' HEADLESS = 'true' APP_ROOT = 'http://localhost:9002' LD_LIBRARY_PATH = '/opt/google/chrome/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH' } steps { script { pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'pending', context: 'E2E tests (Chrome)', description: 'Making sure you didn\'t break anything…', targetUrl: env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL) try { sh '! git diff --name-only ^HEAD origin/trunk | grep "^backend"' sh '! git diff --name-only ^HEAD origin/trunk | grep "^frontend"' sh '! git diff --name-only ^HEAD origin/trunk | grep "^shared-utilities"' echo "No changes found, skipping tests." pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'success', context: 'E2E tests (Chrome)', description: 'Skipped (no changes).') } catch (e) { echo "Changes found, running tests." COMMIT = sh(script: 'git rev-parse HEAD', returnStdout: true).trim() build job: 'Build_Phases/test-browser-parallel', parameters: [ [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'COMMIT', value: COMMIT] ] pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'success', context: 'E2E tests (Chrome)', description: 'FULL FUNNEL SUCCESS, BEYOTCH!') } } } post { failure { script { pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'failure', context: 'E2E tests (Chrome)', description: 'Oh no. Ohhhhhh no. This is bad.', targetUrl: env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL) } } } } stage('Bundle test (admin)') { agent { node { label 'Node' } } environment { CLIENT = 'admin' AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = credentials('aws-access-key-id-deploy-production') AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = credentials('aws-secret-access-key-deploy-production') } steps { script { pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'pending', context: 'Bundle test (admin)', description: 'Blending…', targetUrl: env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL) try { sh '! git diff --name-only ^HEAD origin/trunk | grep "^cli"' sh '! git diff --name-only ^HEAD origin/trunk | grep "^frontend"' echo "No changes found, skipping tests." pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'success', context: 'Bundle test (admin)', description: 'Skipped (no changes).') } catch (e) { echo "Changes found, running tests." sh 'yarn' sh 'yarn start -e production -n client node ./frontend/bin/client/build.js' pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'success', context: 'Bundle test (admin)', description: 'Ah, the sweet smell of minified text.') } } } post { failure { script { pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'failure', context: 'Bundle test (admin)', description: 'Uh-oh.', targetUrl: env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL) } } } } stage('Bundle test (main)') { agent { node { label 'Node' } } environment { CLIENT = 'main' AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = credentials('aws-access-key-id-deploy-production') AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = credentials('aws-secret-access-key-deploy-production') } steps { script { pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'pending', context: 'Bundle test (main)', description: 'Blending…', targetUrl: env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL) try { sh '! git diff --name-only ^HEAD origin/trunk | grep "^cli"' sh '! git diff --name-only ^HEAD origin/trunk | grep "^frontend"' echo "No changes found, skipping tests." pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'success', context: 'Bundle test (main)', description: 'Skipped (no changes).') } catch (e) { echo "Changes found, running tests." sh 'yarn' sh 'yarn start -e production -n client node ./frontend/bin/client/build.js' pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'success', context: 'Bundle test (main)', description: 'Ah, the sweet smell of minified text.') } } } post { failure { script { pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'failure', context: 'Bundle test (main)', description: 'Uh-oh.', targetUrl: env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL) } } } } stage('Bundle test (quote-widget)') { agent { node { label 'Node' } } environment { CLIENT = 'quote-widget' AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = credentials('aws-access-key-id-deploy-production') AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = credentials('aws-secret-access-key-deploy-production') } steps { script { pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'pending', context: 'Bundle test (quote-widget)', description: 'Blending…', targetUrl: env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL) try { sh '! git diff --name-only ^HEAD origin/trunk | grep "^cli"' sh '! git diff --name-only ^HEAD origin/trunk | grep "^frontend"' echo "No changes found, skipping tests." pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'success', context: 'Bundle test (quote-widget)', description: 'Skipped (no changes).') } catch (e) { echo "Changes found, running tests." sh 'yarn' sh 'yarn start -e production -n client node ./frontend/bin/client/build.js' pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'success', context: 'Bundle test (quote-widget)', description: 'Ah, the sweet smell of minified text.') } } } post { failure { script { pullRequest.createStatus(status: 'failure', context: 'Bundle test (quote-widget)', description: 'Uh-oh.', targetUrl: env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL) } } } } } } } }
do we know what version this feature works. because it was working before 1.7.*
I just installed 1.18.1 in hope of getting the "Starting building:" to be clickable but it is not. What is the status here?
For anybody struggling with this and in need of some inspiration for a workaround, we are using a wrapper for the job step which prints a link to the downstream build until this issue is fixed. Better than nothing:
def getBlueOceanLink(obj, jobName) { def buildNumber if(obj instanceof Exception) { obj.toString().split(" ").each { if(it.contains("#")) { buildNumber = it.substring(1) } } } else if(obj instanceof org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.support.steps.build.RunWrapper) { buildNumber = obj.getNumber() } else { return "Can not determine Blue Ocean link!!!" } return "For detailed information see: http://<YOUR JENKINS>/blue/organizations/jenkins/${jobName}/detail/${jobName}/${buildNumber}/pipeline" } // Wrapper: def linkBuild(job, parameters) { def buildInfo try { buildInfo = build(job: job, parameters: parameters, wait: true, propagate: true) } catch (Exception e) { println getBlueOceanLink(e, job) throw e } println getBlueOceanLink(buildInfo, job) } // Usage: stage ("My stage") { linkBuild("My job", [ string(name: "my param", value: some_value) ]) }
If anybody has come up with something better I would love to hear it!
I have raised a bug for this JENKINS-60995
as it is a regression of existing functionality
Sometimes it works. but not always. For some reasons the NodeDownstreamBuildAction is missing when using the api /blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/
When going closer into /blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/<project>/runs/x/nodes/y/ the information is missing in this endpoint too.
Funny fact, I've debugged it with the Script console by replaying the code from https://github.com/jenkinsci/blueocean-plugin/blob/master/blueocean-pipeline-api-impl/src/main/java/io/jenkins/blueocean/listeners/DownstreamJobListener.java. This works and all the triggered builds are there.
But for me it's too complex to dig into the blue-ocean rest and debug there.
Any suggestion from anyone how to debug it?
I've been looking into this as well. What I've found so far:
- The downstream runs have an associated BuildUpstreamNodeAction contributed by the build step.
- The BuildUpstreamNodeAction action has an upstreamNodeId pointing back to the build step that triggered the downstream run.
- This DownstreamJobListener adds a NodeDownstreamBuildAction to the node pointed to by the upstreamNodeId.
- This upstreamNodeId doesn't match the id of the node typically selected when viewing the Blue Ocean pipeline graph (that node is typically a stage or parallel branch node)
- There's code in PipelineNodeGraphVisitor.java that accumulates actions from nodes within a branch or stage and then adds them to the node for that branch or stage. I believe this is the source of the issue.
jdumay what is the strategy that will be used to fix this? One option
would be to add a hyperlink to downstream1 and downstream2 in the UI for stage1.
Another option which would be cool would be instead of adding hyperlinks,
you could expand downstream1 and downstream2 in the UI for stage1 so that you can see all the stages being executed. Maybe some sort of expandable/collapsible view could be used.