It is observed in two scenarios that Docker plugin is making the entire Jenkins server to get hang.
Firstly when docker-host faced kernel panic and secondly when docker-daemon is hanged.
After this Jenkins not able to fail the running builds, even it make it fail after long time, docker nodes remain as dead.
It is not possible to delete these nodes, abort the running builds manually or do any global configuration change to resume its working.
It is required to forcefully kill and start the Jenkins process of the server to make it work again.
Steps to reproduce
Start 5 to 10 builds parallely on the Jenkins server which runs on the docker instance.
Enable "Clean local image" option within "Docker Container" under General config of job.
Now go to the docker host machine, Manally trigger kernel panic with comand "echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger"
Then even after 1 hour builds are showing running and it is hard to abort or delete the docker instances.
API calls while owing the queue should all be made asynchronous.
known issue (at least) in DockerSakve#_terminate()