Resolution: Postponed
Jenkins : 2.25
P4-plugin : 1.4.9
Jenkins Master Java version: openjdk version "1.8.0_102"
Jenkins Slave Java version : openjdk version "1.8.0_111"
Using Jenkins Master with multiple slaves which have a base version of JDK installed, using the p4-plugin version listed above to pass perforce credentials.
The test functionality for Perforce does not appear to work but I only get a 'Server Connection Error' when testing. I am also using the java us_policy in $JAVA/security... etc
Is there any dependency I am missing ?
Can I also ask that more verbose logging be included in the plugin
Just to add : I also get the following when executing a P4 based job on a remote node :
_P4: Unable to connect: com.perforce.p4java.exception.ConnectionException: The authenticity of 'perforce.somehost.com:1666' can't be established,
this may be your first attempt to connect to this Perforce server.
The fingerprint for the public key sent to your client is_
I even added a pre-task to test the plugin on the remote host like :
"p4 trust -y"
and I get this :
+ p4 trust -y
Trust already established.
Followed by the authenticity error.