I'd like to see this available from a GitHubOrg job ... when a Branch or PR is deleted I'd like to be able to run pipeline code on a different branch that then has instructions on removing infrastructure. Lets say all my GH repos in my GH organization have a special branch called "unprovision" which never goes away, and they all have a JenkinsFile called "JenkinsfileUnprovisionInfrastructure". So I set up GitHubOrg job to find all these repos in my organization and importantly I set the refspec to always checkout the "unprovision" branch. At this point the scan runs and discovery completes. Perfect. Now the idea is a person at some later point in Github does a BRANCH DELETE or PR CLOSE and in turn the GH webhook on that repo sends Jenkins this event AND the GitHubOrg job gets the REMOVED event that comes in. My job then executes by checking out the branch identified in the refspec ("unprovision" branch) and runs the Jenkinsfile identified (which is JenkinsfileUnprovisionInfrastructure). That pipeline code (JenkinsfileUnprovisionInfrastructure) which I've written then cleans up the infrastructure related to the GH BRANCH and/or PR that was closed. NOTE: I'm not trying to or even asking to check out something that is gone from GH ! The idea is when the development of something begins we provision infrastrcture from our pipelines ... SO WHEN ITS CLOSED WE NEED TO FREE UP THOSE RESOURCES and would like to do it from pipelines as well.
Right now when I close a PR in GH the GH event related to that PR close comes into Jenkins and this message shows up in the "repository events" log of my GHOrg job :
[Thu Nov 30 15:11:36 UTC 2017] Received Pull request #30 closed in repository myorg/pipeline-app REMOVED event from ⇒ http://jenkins:8080/github-webhook/ with timestamp Thu Nov 30 15:11:00 UTC 2017
Examining myorg/pipeline-app
Checking branches...
Getting remote branch story/unprovision1...
Checking branch story/unprovision1
‘cicd/JenkinsfileUnprovisionAWS’ found
Met criteria
No changes detected: story/unprovision1 (still at 76c77601680005daeb4)
1 branches were processed
Checking pull-requests...
Getting remote pull request #30...
0 pull requests were processed
Finished examining myorg/pipeline-app
[Thu Nov 30 15:12:04 UTC 2017] Pull request #30 closed in repository myorg/pipeline-app REMOVED event from ⇒http://jenkins:8080/github-webhook/ with timestamp Thu Nov 30 15:11:00 UTC 2017 processed in 27 sec
So making sense of those log messages : PR#30 is a pr that I closed in GH on a branch called story/unprovision1 on a repo in myorg called pipeline-app. There's obviously an event raised in the hook that gets shown in the log as a REMOVED event and then you clearly see "0 pull requests were processed" ...
Use ItemListener.onDeleted from a plugin. I suppose you are asking for some sort of “userspace” hook, like a shell script or something, which you could configure perhaps as a JobProperty. If so, this would better be moved to plugin-proposals.
Seems like a straight-up duplicate of
JENKINS-37907, which seems to have been closed improperly.