abayer I am still guessing that the basic user requirement would be satisfied by a verbose: true flag to the stash step. Once StashAwareArtifactManager lands, there could be multiple implementations, but at any rate the obvious way would be for FileVisitor to have a convenience method
public FileVisitor verbose(TaskListener listener) {…}
with the standard implementation being
int count = workspace.archive(ArchiverFactory.TARGZ.verbose(listener), os, new DirScanner.Glob());
If you wish to avoid a new core dep (but see JEP-301!), the verbose method could temporarily be hosted as static in StashManager.
My comment in PR 67 was just to the effect that if you agree with that design and want this RFE now, the easiest way to avoid clashes in introduced APIs would be to extract the new StashManager method overloads from that PR into a simple PR with no core dep change or StashAwareArtifactManager, including the added TaskListener parameters and the boolean verbose flag. Similarly, the StashStep and UnstashStep patches from workflow-basic-steps PR 60 would be extracted into a small PR that also adds the verbose step parameter. All easy for me to do (~30m) when I have this stuff in flight anyway, but I am not going to bother unless you are prepared to review and merge it.
All that said, this whole RFE has a trivial workaround (I would hesitate to even call it that; more a diagnostic idiom): in your Jenkinsfile after an apparently misconfigured stash, when you unstash just
to see what you got and whether it matches your expectations. Optionally do the same in the original workspace prior to the stash and compare. Short of reimplementing the Ant patternset matching code from scratch to offer fine-grained explanations of why each individual candidate relative path did or did not match each component of each pattern, no feature we offer is really going to change the diagnostic experience much: you just experiment with whether a given patternset works or not, accompanied if necessary with a bit of stackoverflow.com searching, documentation review, and, well, thinking.
I have the same problem, in my case one particular file not being stashed and it's really hard to see that without more info.