New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
Same as JENKINS-35083 for pipelines.
The code to fix should be straight forward to address.
Update BitbucketBuildStatusNotifierStep.java
add a new variable for the override Latest Build.
private boolean overrideLatestBuild; public boolean isOverrideLatestBuild() { return this.overrideLatestBuild; } @DataBoundSetter public void setOverrideLatestBuild(boolean overrideLatestBuild) { this.overrideLatestBuild = overrideLatestBuild; }
then in the run method
reference isOverideLatestBuild instead of passing in false
BitbucketBuildStatusHelper.notifyBuildStatus(step.getCredentials(build), step.isOverideLatestBuild(), build, taskListener, buildStatus);
[JENKINS-40998] Support for override Latest Build option with pipeline builds
Assignee | Original: Antonio Mansilla [ flagbit ] | New: Alex Juarez [ alex_juarez ] |
This should be a very localized change in BitbucketBuildStatusNotifierStep.java where a new DataBound setter should be added to obtain the user-provided value for the override flag. this flag should then be used when getting the build key to use when notifying BitBucket.