New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
Documentation for implementation
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Link to blog post
[JENKINS-41117] implement SCM api 2.x
Issue Type | Original: Bug [ 1 ] | New: Epic [ 10001 ] |
Issue Type | Original: Epic [ 10001 ] | New: New Feature [ 2 ] |
Epic Link | New: JENKINS-43777 [ 181195 ] |
Assignee | Original: Joseph Petersen (old) [ casz ] |
Assignee | New: Joseph Petersen [ jetersen ] |
stephenconnolly Any further hints for how to go about backward compatibility? I already started some other work on something similar at https://github.com/casz/accurev-plugin/tree/backwardscompatibility
Like converting username and password to credentials and move the whole server config away from inner class.