Resolution: Unresolved
artifactory plugin: 2.9.1-SNAPSHOT (private-01/24/2017 10:44-jenkins)
jenkins: 2.40
Yes I am using a snapshot build, due to JENKINS-41227 I was using plugin 2.8.1, which did work.
pipeline script:
def artiServer = Artifactory.server('snowball-artifactory') def repoDir = "rpms-thirdparty-local/centos/6.6/gs-test-arti-upload/${buildNumber}" def uploadSpec = """{ "files": [ { "pattern": "(configur*)", "target": "${repoDir}/{1}", "props": "${artiProps};build.name=${JOB_NAME};build.number=${BUILD_NUMBER}" } ] }""" def uploadBuildInfo = artiServer.upload spec: uploadSpec if ( uploadBuildInfo == null ){ println "buildinfo null" } else{ println "buildinfo not null" } uploadBuildInfo.env.filter.addInclude("*") uploadBuildInfo.retention maxBuilds: 10, deleteBuildArtifacts: true artiServer.publishBuildInfo uploadBuildInfo
neither one of the println statements prints. The file does upload, but no buildinfo is returned. No exception is thrown either.
aflat, We didn't manage to reproduce the issue according to the configuration you specified and the script below:
Please try to remove old Jenkins Artifactory plugin installations from $JENKINS_HOME/plugins and also the cashes from $JENKINS_HOME/cache and install the plugin again.