I was on 1.317, and was not using private Maven repos before that (only found
they existed from the Changelog for 1.318!)
The aggregate project is kicking off non-aggregate ones
My projects are as follows:
- pom.xml - aggregation pom [interfaces, config, bar, baz as modules]
- pom.xml - interfaces pom [no dependencies]
- pom.xml - config pom [depend on interfaces]
- pom.xml - bar pom [depend on interfaces, config]
- pom.xml - baz pom [depend on interfaces, config]
I have five hudson projects, one for each subproject with subversion SCM set up
to poll their directories, and one for the aggregator with SCM polling as well.
If I check in a change to interfaces, both interfaces and aggregator build, but
the project build config for interfaces does not list config, bar and baz as
downstream projects (it DOES list the aggregator as an upstream though). Once
the aggregator builds, interfaces, config, bar and baz build too.
Config, Bar and Baz do not list Interfaces as an upstream project.
Also, if any of these projects fail with test failures they are not marked as
Unstable, but that may be completely unrelated.
This whole setup has grown rather organically so it's possible I'm duplicating a
lot of effort, so any suggestions on an approved way of doing this are
appreciated (I'm happy to get rid of the top level aggregator hudson project for
example, but like the violations warnings)
Couple questions - which version of Hudson had you upgraded from? 1.317 or
earlier? Were you using the private Maven repos before upgrading to 1.318? (The
description phrasing isn't entirely clear on this) The aggregation project - are
you saying that it's kicking off the non-aggregate projects as downstream
builds? Could you give me a quick sense of how your projects (the individual
projects and the aggregate project) are set up, in re: top-level/modules and
intended upstream/downstream relationships? I've got a feeling this involves
fingerprints for the build artifacts getting confused, but I'm not entirely sure.