Resolution: Fixed
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Jenkins 2.244
Directories with an ampersand (like @tmp and @script, @libs) are not removed when using 'deletedir()' in pipeline stage.
They are never cleaned up, even by the built in build discarders,
On our instances we have 2172 folders with @libs (which is a copy of the shared library for the build)
Which is taking up 7GB of space
- is duplicated by
JENKINS-44909 Workspace Cleanup does not delete @tmp directories created by libraries
- Closed
- links to
[JENKINS-41805] Pipeline Job-- deletedir() delete only current directory but @script and @tmp dir still there in workspace.
Multibranch pipeline (Jenkinsfile):
stage('Checkout') { checkout scm } stage('Build') { def resultDist = sh returnStdout: true, script: './gradlew build' println resultDist } stage('Cleanup') { deleteDir() }
This will create some directories in the Jenkins workspace, e.g:
After the 'Cleanup' stage the directories with an ampersand are still there
We expect that all directories are removed.
yes stefan1509 you are right.
i am still facing this issue.
currently i have to delete that directory manual.
i faced this when my storage is fully occupied, i have many branches so each branch taking lots spaces after completed build.
I fail to understand how this issue can be set to "Important" and that importance not be explained in details. At first sight it seems like one of Minor or less priority. Not a bug by the way, more an improvement.
So given this, I would probably not hold my breath that this is fixed anytime soon if people thinking this should be configurable or so contribute this fix.
In my case, I'm doing some dockerized stuffs with admin privileges in a specific subdir created for for this purpose, which is supposed to be removed afterwards. so, these additional temp dirs are created as root. Once outside of the container, the next time jenkins starts the job, it obviously fails to delete this root owned directory, so I have to take care of it "manually" from within the container. OK, our docker should maybe be set differently so that a container root user is not mapped to the global root user, but still, a deleteDir() function which does not delete all leftovers is not just a minor annoyance.
In our case, we are using multibranch pipeline jobs. We also see this issue occurring. This results in our drive filling up with folders that don't get cleaned up properly. Jenkins is running on a VM in Azure in our environment.
Our Jenkins runs out of space once per day while having 50GB of space. Very intensive building occurs. Please fix cleanup
i face this issue as well. @libs and @scripts directories contains too much files, so jenkins master runs out of inodes and must be cleaned manually
hiten_prajapati, I used the Work Space Cleanup plugin, try this:
ws(pwd() + "@tmp") { step([$class: 'WsCleanup']) }
Experiencing this as well on our master node. Running on Azure, would rather not have to pay for infinite HDD space
We're experiencing this as well, but while using `cleanWs()`. Also, our file / folder ownerships are simply `jenkins:jenkins` so no problem there as mentioned by alexf. The biggest problem about this bug is that it can create a massive overhead of inodes in some cases. We constantly experience `No space left on device` errors. We're now about to create a cronjob to periodically remove the @script / @tmp folders. I'd love to hear better workarounds.
I'd like to add, we've just added the following workaround, which seems to work pretty nicely for now.
post { always { cleanWs() dir("${env.WORKSPACE}@tmp") { deleteDir() } dir("${env.WORKSPACE}@script") { deleteDir() } dir("${env.WORKSPACE}@script@tmp") { deleteDir() } } }
Is there any way to ensure the directories with this format on master get deleted as well?
These directories are created when Jenkins goes to read and validate the Jenkinsfile initially. No further work appears to be done. These directories continue to accumulate until my master machine runs out of disk space. A bit of a nuisance.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean? These workspace `@script` folders should be deleted with the snippet I posted.
I suspect that only does it on the agent, not on the master. The path on my Jenkins master where files are accumulating is only referenced at the start of a build, and never again throughout.
Ah I see, we only build on the same machine, I'm not sure how a master node would work. I'm not sure how to delete the dirs there.
please Help me this is still problem me cos we have many jobs with many branches in project that's make my ssd full.
I run a simple cleanup bash script inside a job every once in awhile on my nodes.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
- get to main job directory
cd ..
ls -al
cd ..
ls -al - delete all @tmp files
find . | grep @tmp$ | xargs -n1 rm -fr
Of course you need to make sure you don't have any artifacts that you might match.
The standard cleanWs() leaves at least the tmp directories behind on the agents. This is a real big problem for people using secret files , as it leaves them behind and they could be discoverable from another job!
I'm going to try the workaround posted by vanaken.
For what its worth jomega I'm not seeing the orphaned @scipt directories on my jenkins master as of version 2.108 for my multibranch pipeline jobs.
Not sure why these directories would be required. There are system-wide temporary directories that should be used for this. The temporary directories, no matter what implementation detail, should not concern us users.
Im having the same issue, but also a folder named WORKSPACE_cleanup is created.
Has anyone solved this for the 'master - slave' setup? Our master is rapidly running out of disk space due to mercurial performing a full checkout into @script just to get the jenkinsfile (see https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-50490). I'd like a solution that can be implemented within a scripted jenkinsfile eg:
node ('slave') {
// do useful build things first
cleanWs() // clean up workspace on slave
cleanWs // clean workspace(s) on master (eg @script @libs directories)
To answer my own question, similar to vanaken solution but running on 'master'
node ('slave') {
// do useful build things first
cleanWs() // clean up workspace on slave
node ('master') {
dir("${env.WORKSPACE}@libs") {
dir("${env.WORKSPACE}@script") {
Although this only cleans the directories when the stages on the slave succeed. You can use try..catch to catch exceptions from the slave stages and perform the cleanup in a finally block if required.
Together with "external workspace" plugin:
def extWs = exwsAllocate diskPoolId: 'p2000'
exws(extWs) {}}
sh "env | sort >test.txt"
sleep time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES'
cleanWs cleanWhenNotBuilt: false, notFailBuild: true
cleanWs cleanWhenNotBuilt: false, notFailBuild: true
the result is even worse:
$ls -la /p2000/test-extws/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 7 jenkins jenkins 62 Jun 25 13:42 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 jenkins jenkins 23 Jun 25 11:38 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 jenkins jenkins 21 Jun 25 11:38 3
drwxr-xr-x 2 jenkins jenkins 6 Jun 25 11:38 3@tmp
drwxr-xr-x 2 jenkins jenkins 6 Jun 25 11:45 4@tmp
drwxr-xr-x 2 jenkins jenkins 6 Jun 25 11:53 5@tmp
drwxr-xr-x 2 jenkins jenkins 6 Jun 25 13:37 6@tmp
Temp directories are flooding the workspace parent folder.
Hello Guys,
i have the following Jenkinsfile :
pipeline {
options { disableConcurrentBuilds() }
agent { label 'vhost01' }
stages {
} post {
always {
I use multibranch pipeline and have the problem that the folder under my node "vhost01" are not deleted. Can anyone help ?
+1 we now have about 200-300 @tmp/@script folders being created every day across several slave servers.
Will add the script snippet provided above for current jobs for now
+1 I have added in a post always block a set of folderDelete operation... As far as I have only one slave, it is sustainable, but it will become ugly when using a label referencing several slaves.
batmat wrote: "Not a bug by the way, more an improvement."
I strongly disagree. Jenkins creates the @tmp automatically and stores there temporary files. Therefore it should be removed also automatically by Jenkins.
Each tool that produces temporary data should be responsible for its removal. It is easy as ABC.
Following your logic, memory leaks are also "not a bugs"...
+1 for the fix (which must be trivial)
Update: I confirm that the workaround dir(<dir> + '@tmp')
{ deleteDir() }is working. Luckily it does not create the nested @tmp@tmp. Thank you, vanaken.
Seeing the workarounds, I am wondering how wise it is to delete the pipeline helper folder(s) while the pipeline is still running.
Why my jenkins create tmp directories in the master workspace for Jenkins Shared library instead of using agent workspace?
szczepix: That directory is on the MASTER to allow you to do Replay operations. It contains the content of any library that was loaded at run time. Without a copy, Replay can't work reliably.
olivergondza: Indeed, deleting scripts that may well be executing is unsafe.
However in general deleteDir(), IMHO should remove any copy on a slave (provided the slave isn't actually the master)
stevenatcisco: I don't think the directory is required for the replay operation. If I delete the @libs workspace on the master by hand, replay still work fine. There is a copy of the required files of the library in the directory of all builds. I am guessing this one is utilized for what ever the replay requires it for, or the required commit is just checked out from the repository again.
No matter, there is still a @libs directory in the directory for the master workspaces, that just sits there forever. It contains the in my case implicitly loaded shared libraries for each job. And there are a lot of them due to heavy use of feature branches and pull requests. It can't be deleted by the pipeline and it's not automatically deleted if the associated job in Jenkins is deleted. Also I do not have any build processors enabled on the master node, so that workaround with switching to the problematic directory directly does not fly as well, because I can't get into the master workspaces with the pipelines as far as I know.
The one way to get rid of those directories I was able to come up with is to have the server run a nightly cron job that clears our the workspace directory of the master, so the issue does not get out of hand. That solution works, but I'd rather solve that issue inside of Jenkins.
I'm not sure if this is filed against the correct plugin, in my opinion libs should be automatically cleaned up when the build discarder is run.
I think this should be either done in workflow-cps-global-lib plugin or a new extension plugin.
Thoughts bitwiseman or dnusbaum
I can possibly contribute a fix, but just looking for a direction on where this should be done.
Opened a PR to Jenkins core for cleaning this up during workspace cleanup https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/pull/4824
timja Hi. Does https://www.jenkins.io/changelog/#v2.244 fully address it from your PoV?
Yes I believe so,
To any of the many watchers, from Jenkins 2.244 these directories will be automatically deleted during workspace cleanup.
This retains workspaces for 30 days by default and then deletes them, I can't see any documentation on it, but the configuration values can be found here:
Note: If the workspace has already been deleted then you'll need to delete existing libs / tmp / 2 directories manually
So how exactly is this used? Does using deleteDir() clean out the entire workspace and associated "@" directories? Is there any impact on cleanWs()?
cmamigonian does my comment above not explain it well enough?
Jenkins core workspace cleanup will remove them, deleteDir doesn't do it and neither does cleanWs
Possibly they could be extended to do it now that the core API is there.
Yes, sorry, your comment is clear in terms of core cleanup. I wasn't sure if deleteDir or cleanWs support it. Do we know if those plugin(s) have plans to incorporate?
Not that I know of, is there a reason that the automated cleanup isn't enough for you?
If we have lots of jobs running on an agent our storage can fill up quickly, and we like to clean up after ourselves once the pipeline is done running. We currently have a way to do it, but it's through our own code instead of a much simpler single call to either cleanWs or deleteDir.
We are still seeing this issue in 2.277.1
@tmp is left behind after
dir('tst'){ sh ( label : "ls", script : "ls" ) deleteDir() }
The resolution was a background task that will remove them, deleteDir only deletes the current directory
Yeah the Fixed resolution does not match the reported issue summary. deleteDir does exactly what it is documented to do: delete the contextual directory (which could be a subdirectory of the workspace, something else entirely, etc.), just like sh 'rm -rf .' basically.
Please reopen with step by step instructions to reproduce the problem and clear description of what you expect to happen.