We got some pipeline jobs which are impossible to kill. After pressing the red 'x' Button we get the following output:
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] [Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] [Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS
Resuming build at Wed Feb 15 07:47:17 CET 2017 after Jenkins restart
Ready to run at Wed Feb 15 07:47:19 CET 2017
Resuming build at Wed Feb 15 07:50:34 CET 2017 after Jenkins restart
Ready to run at Wed Feb 15 07:50:35 CET 2017
Aborted by User
Click here to forcibly terminate running steps
The main problem is, that the build succeeded but tried to restart after a jenkins restart. Clicking the 'terminate' message does not work. Are they suggestions how to kill those 'zombie' pipelines?
Hi Simon,
On the face of it, this looks more like a pipeline problem. Usually pipeline builds should resume an _unsuccessful _ job after a jenkins restart.
Is Jenkins restart a frequent scenario for you? How about letting the first pipeline batch just run through after the jenkins restart, instead of trying to abort them? Does the pipeline after restart just gets stuck somewhere?
There is infact an open feature request on pipeline for this: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-33761.