We got some pipeline jobs which are impossible to kill. After pressing the red 'x' Button we get the following output:
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] [Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] [Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS
Resuming build at Wed Feb 15 07:47:17 CET 2017 after Jenkins restart
Ready to run at Wed Feb 15 07:47:19 CET 2017
Resuming build at Wed Feb 15 07:50:34 CET 2017 after Jenkins restart
Ready to run at Wed Feb 15 07:50:35 CET 2017
Aborted by User
Click here to forcibly terminate running steps
The main problem is, that the build succeeded but tried to restart after a jenkins restart. Clicking the 'terminate' message does not work. Are they suggestions how to kill those 'zombie' pipelines?