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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-4206

AssertionError: "Releasing unallocated workspace"

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • core
    • None
    • Platform: All, OS: Linux

      FATAL: Releasing unallocated workspace /hudson/workspaces/TRUNK-PATCH
      java.lang.AssertionError: Releasing unallocated workspace
      at hudson.slaves.WorkspaceList.release(WorkspaceList.java:74)
      at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractRunner.run(AbstractBuild.java:365)
      at hudson.model.Run.run(Run.java:1090)
      at hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild.run(FreeStyleBuild.java:46)
      at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(ResourceController.java:93)
      at hudson.model.Executor.run(Executor.java:122)

          [JENKINS-4206] AssertionError: "Releasing unallocated workspace"

              • Issue 4210 has been marked as a duplicate of this issue. ***

          Kohsuke Kawaguchi added a comment - Issue 4210 has been marked as a duplicate of this issue. ***

          Changing summary to attract attention for others who see the same problem.

          Kohsuke Kawaguchi added a comment - Changing summary to attract attention for others who see the same problem.

          I'm so far failing to reproduce this issue on my Hudson, so I need help from
          people seeing this problem.

          1. Does this problem happen reliably every time, or randomly/sporadically?

          2. If you can share the config.xml of the job that sees this problem, please
          attach it here. You can mask the contents of the shell script and other
          sensitive information, but it helps me if I know what
          builder/publisher/trigger/etc are enabled, as well as the kind of SCM.

          3. Tell me about your master/slave environment. How many executors do you have,
          how/if your jobs are tied?

          Kohsuke Kawaguchi added a comment - I'm so far failing to reproduce this issue on my Hudson, so I need help from people seeing this problem. 1. Does this problem happen reliably every time, or randomly/sporadically? 2. If you can share the config.xml of the job that sees this problem, please attach it here. You can mask the contents of the shell script and other sensitive information, but it helps me if I know what builder/publisher/trigger/etc are enabled, as well as the kind of SCM. 3. Tell me about your master/slave environment. How many executors do you have, how/if your jobs are tied?

          Oh, could it be that this happens only with the use of "custom workspace"?

          Kohsuke Kawaguchi added a comment - Oh, could it be that this happens only with the use of "custom workspace"?

              • Issue 4182 has been marked as a duplicate of this issue. ***

          Kohsuke Kawaguchi added a comment - Issue 4182 has been marked as a duplicate of this issue. ***

          sberlotto added a comment -

          Created an attachment (id=838)
          config os job

          sberlotto added a comment - Created an attachment (id=838) config os job

          sberlotto added a comment -

          1. Does this problem happen reliably every time, or randomly/sporadically?
          R: every time for me

          2. If you can share the config.xml of the job that sees this problem, please
          attach it here. You can mask the contents of the shell script and other
          sensitive information, but it helps me if I know what
          builder/publisher/trigger/etc are enabled, as well as the kind of SCM.
          R: attached.

          3. Tell me about your master/slave environment. How many executors do you have,
          how/if your jobs are tied?
          R: master server, four executors and no jobs tied.

          And job uses "custom workspace".

          sberlotto added a comment - 1. Does this problem happen reliably every time, or randomly/sporadically? R: every time for me 2. If you can share the config.xml of the job that sees this problem, please attach it here. You can mask the contents of the shell script and other sensitive information, but it helps me if I know what builder/publisher/trigger/etc are enabled, as well as the kind of SCM. R: attached. 3. Tell me about your master/slave environment. How many executors do you have, how/if your jobs are tied? R: master server, four executors and no jobs tied. And job uses "custom workspace".

          jamesschopp added a comment -

          I can also confirm that this happens for my "custom workspace" projects. All of
          my "normal" projects still work correctly.

          I have downgraded back to 1.318 and the error has gone away, so the issue was
          defintiely introduced in 1.319.

          jamesschopp added a comment - I can also confirm that this happens for my "custom workspace" projects. All of my "normal" projects still work correctly. I have downgraded back to 1.318 and the error has gone away, so the issue was defintiely introduced in 1.319.

          A report in the users list. He uses a custom workspace, too.
          I'm unable to comment on the issue for some reason. In any case here's
          some info:
          1. It is repeatable.
          2. The user is not letting Hudson use SCM. In the command area he's
          pulling things out of Perforce directly. Don't ask me why...
          3. No slaves.

          Here is the config. XXX's are masks.

          <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
          <scm class="hudson.plugins.perforce.PerforceSCM">
          <logger class="org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger">
          <depot reference="../.."/>
          <logger class="org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger"
          <depot reference="../.."/>
          <logger class="org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger"
          <depot reference="../.."/>
          <logger class="org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger"
          <triggers class="vector">
          <spec>0 0 * * *</spec>
          export PATH=${ANT_HOME}/bin:$PATH
          <pluginName>[WARNINGS] </pluginName>
          <childProjects>ai_main_server, ai_server_5.0</childProjects>


          Kohsuke Kawaguchi added a comment - A report in the users list. He uses a custom workspace, too. ------------------ I'm unable to comment on the issue for some reason. In any case here's some info: 1. It is repeatable. 2. The user is not letting Hudson use SCM. In the command area he's pulling things out of Perforce directly. Don't ask me why... 3. No slaves. Here is the config. XXX's are masks. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <project> <actions/> <description></description> <keepDependencies>false</keepDependencies> <properties/> <scm class="hudson.plugins.perforce.PerforceSCM"> <p4User>chelck</p4User> <p4Passwd></p4Passwd> <p4Port>XXXXXXXXXXX:1666</p4Port> <p4Client>guest-hudson-ai-common</p4Client> <projectPath>//depot/Ati/common/main/...</projectPath> <p4Exe>/home/cc/bin/p4</p4Exe> <p4SysDrive></p4SysDrive> <p4SysRoot></p4SysRoot> <depot> <logger class="org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger"> <name>perforce</name> </logger> <settings> <entry> <string>SystemRoot</string> <string></string> </entry> <entry> <string>P4PORT</string> <string>XXXXXXXXXXX:1666</string> </entry> <entry> <string>CLASSPATH</string> <string>/usr/share/java/p4.jar</string> </entry> <entry> <string>P4USER</string> <string>XXXXX</string> </entry> <entry> <string>P4PASSWD</string> <string>XXXXX</string> </entry> <entry> <string>P4CLIENT</string> <string>guest-hudson-ai-common</string> </entry> <entry> <string>SystemDrive</string> <string></string> </entry> <entry> <string>PATH</string> <string>/home/cc/bin</string> </entry> </settings> <pathSep>:</pathSep> <fileSep>/</fileSep> <validEnvp>false</validEnvp> <p4exe>/home/cc/bin/p4</p4exe> <threshold>10000</threshold> <execFactory class="com.tek42.p ce.process.DefaultExecutorFactory"> <env> <entry> <string>P4PORT</string> <string>XXXXXXXXXXX:1666</string> </entry> <entry> <string>SystemRoot</string> <string></string> </entry> <entry> <string>P4USER</string> <string>XXXXXX</string> </entry> <entry> <string>CLASSPATH</string> <string>/usr/share/java/p4.jar</string> </entry> <entry> <string>P4PASSWD</string> <string>XXXXXXX</string> </entry> <entry> <string>P4CLIENT</string> <string>guest-hudson-ai-common</string> </entry> <entry> <string>SystemDrive</string> <string></string> </entry> <entry> <string>PATH</string> <string>/home/cc/bin</string> </entry> </env> </execFactory> <changes> <depot reference="../.."/> <logger class="org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger" reference="../../logger"/> </changes> <workspaces> <depot reference="../.."/> <logger class="org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger" reference="../../logger"/> </workspaces> <users> <depot reference="../.."/> <logger class="org.slf4j.impl.SimpleLogger" reference="../../logger"/> </users> </depot> <forceSync>false</forceSync> <updateView>false</updateView> <firstChange>-1</firstChange> </scm> <canRoam>true</canRoam> <disabled>false</disabled> <triggers class="vector"> <hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger> <spec>0 0 * * *</spec> </hudson.triggers.TimerTrigger> </triggers> <concurrentBuild>false</concurrentBuild> <builders> <hudson.tasks.Shell> <command>export ANT_HOME=/export/home/cc/applications/buildtools/ant/apache-ant-1.6.2 export PATH=${ANT_HOME}/bin:$PATH > </hudson.tasks.Shell> </builders> <publishers> <hudson.tasks.ArtifactArchiver> <artifacts>Ati/common/main/libs/common.jar</artifacts> <latestOnly>true</latestOnly> </hudson.tasks.ArtifactArchiver> <hudson.tasks.JavadocArchiver> <javadocDir>Ati/common/main/common_reports/javadoc</javadocDir> <keepAll>false</keepAll> </hudson.tasks.JavadocArchiver> <hudson.plugins.warnings.WarningsPublisher> <threshold></threshold> <healthy></healthy> <unHealthy></unHealthy> <height></height> <pluginName> [WARNINGS] </pluginName> <thresholdLimit>low</thresholdLimit> <parserNames/> <canRunOnFailed>false</canRunOnFailed> </hudson.plugins.warnings.WarningsPublisher> <hudson.tasks.Mailer> <recipients>Greg.Szumowski@us.icap.com</recipients> <dontNotifyEveryUnstableBuild>false</dontNotifyEveryUnstableBuild> <sendToIndividuals>true</sendToIndividuals> </hudson.tasks.Mailer> <hudson.tasks.BuildTrigger> <childProjects>ai_main_server, ai_server_5.0</childProjects> <threshold> <name>SUCCESS</name> <ordinal>0</ordinal> <color>BLUE</color> </threshold> </hudson.tasks.BuildTrigger> </publishers> <buildWrappers/> <customWorkspace>/home/cc/applications/hudson/jobs/ai_main_common/worksp ace/</customWorkspace> </project>

          mdonohue added a comment -
              • Issue 4211 has been marked as a duplicate of this issue. ***

          mdonohue added a comment - Issue 4211 has been marked as a duplicate of this issue. ***

          Code changed in hudson
          User: : kohsuke
          [FIXED JENKINS-4206] in 1.320. Custom workspace and new workspace lease scheme had a bad interaction.

          SCM/JIRA link daemon added a comment - Code changed in hudson User: : kohsuke Path: trunk/hudson/main/core/src/main/java/hudson/matrix/MatrixRun.java trunk/hudson/main/core/src/main/java/hudson/model/AbstractBuild.java trunk/hudson/main/core/src/main/java/hudson/model/AbstractProject.java trunk/hudson/main/core/src/main/java/hudson/model/FreeStyleBuild.java trunk/hudson/main/core/src/main/java/hudson/model/FreeStyleProject.java trunk/hudson/main/core/src/main/java/hudson/slaves/WorkspaceList.java trunk/hudson/main/maven-plugin/src/main/java/hudson/maven/MavenBuild.java trunk/hudson/main/test/src/test/java/hudson/model/FreeStyleProjectTest.java trunk/www/changelog.html http://fisheye4.cenqua.com/changelog/hudson/?cs=20632 Log: [FIXED JENKINS-4206] in 1.320. Custom workspace and new workspace lease scheme had a bad interaction.

          torbent added a comment -

          CC += me
          Looking forward to the release. Would have added that it happened for all our
          builds during the short period I ran 1.319, that all builds use custom
          workspace, and that we have one master and 3 slaves. We use Perforce as SCM.
          Some jobs are tied to slaves, none to master (but many default to it).
          But that's not important now

          torbent added a comment - CC += me Looking forward to the release. Would have added that it happened for all our builds during the short period I ran 1.319, that all builds use custom workspace, and that we have one master and 3 slaves. We use Perforce as SCM. Some jobs are tied to slaves, none to master (but many default to it). But that's not important now

          torbent added a comment -

          Hudson 1.321 works fine again for me. Issue can be closed?

          torbent added a comment - Hudson 1.321 works fine again for me. Issue can be closed?

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            sberlotto sberlotto
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