The only sane way to implement this is through StatefulSets, especially if you have more than one agent (who doesn't run Jenkins like that?).
An example scenario:
You're currently running three agents. A fourth one needs to be launched. As the last comment says, there's no easy way to create an unique volume name that can also be referenced by the new pod. StatefulSets do that:
Assuming a StatefulSet named agent-XYZ with a VolumeClaimTemplate named workspace, the plugin would need to scale the StatefulSet to 4. Then Kubernetes will take care of creating pod agent-XYZ-3 and PVC workspace-agent-XYZ-3.
When, later, the cluster is idle, the plugin can scale the SS down to 1. Kubernetes will terminate pods 3, 2 and 1, in that order, leaving 0 still up. The volumes are KEPT, by design, which is probably what you want if they're a cache (I do, too). When, later the SS scales up, the volumes are already around.
This is all nice and takes some complexity away from the plugin, but there's some extra work to be done.
I haven't looked at the code, but I assume that the plugin treats each pod it creates in isolation, independent of each other (is that correct?). With StatefulSets, you probably want to fingerprint the pod definition so that identical ones are mapped to the same set (XYZ above would be such a hash). Then the plugin needs to track how many pods are needed for each fingerprint and scale the StatefulSets accordingly.
The other problem is passing the unique JENKINS_SECRET to the pod. I don't think StatefulSets allow per-pod secrets/variables. So, either secrets need to be turned off (bad) or they need to be delivered out-of-band, e.g. in an init container.
You can use persistent volumes in the pod, isn't that enough?