Resolution: Fixed
Blue Ocean 1.0-rc4, Blue Ocean - 1.1-beta-1, Blue Ocean - 1.1-beta2, Blue Ocean 1.1-beta4, Blue Ocean 1.1
At the moment it just supports nightwatch JavaScript tests. Some people are not liking that - don't like the API and feel debugging will be a big help. If this is what it takes to get people writing some tests, then we should make it possible.
Note: I spent some time looking at this yesterday. I thought it would be easy enough, but the Jenkins core ATH libs that we are using in the Blue Ocean ATH are actually getting in the way more than helping (from the point of view of making this possible) because it is also creating WebDriver instances (non remote/RC Selenium 1 style). It might be worth looking at removing this stuff from the picture altogether and spinning up the Jenkins instance (plus all the plugins) some other way.