I use Test Results Analyser plugin to present the disponibility of my project.

      The job launchs a SoapUI command which build a Junit report in a folder : workspace/report%buildNumber%/

      So i use Test results Analyser to parse this folder/report.xml

      The plugin is very useful to present a quick view of my differents features but now the access of the graph is very very long (about 30 secs) and the loading time is increasing with the number of builds.

      Is there a way to limit this time or to reinitialize the datas computed by the plugin (the 50 last results for example).

      Thank you for your help!


          [JENKINS-42668] Tests Results Analyser Loading Time

            menonvarun Varun Menon
            geoffrey_bourel Geoffrey Bourel
            6 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
