Resolution: Not A Defect
Credentials Binding Plugin: 1.10
Jenkins: 2.40
In below log extract artifact coordinates are logged (line starting with "coordinates:..."). Part of artifactory groupid happens to match bound username, and gets masked.
Clearly, group id has no relation to this binding, and should be unaffected.
I.e. last line should not be masked: "coordinates: eu.dorsum.cm.dummy...." should be there instead of "coordinates: eu.****.cm.dummy..."
Due to this error someone who nows our group id can easily find out either bound username, or password is 'dorsum'.
[release%2F1.0.06ac0a631] $ cmd.exe /C "c:/JenkinsSlave/android-1/workspace/release%2F1.0.06ac0a631/gradlew.bat --refresh-dependencies --stacktrace --no-daemon -Pbuild.number=6 "-PkeystorePassword=," usernameVariable: KEY_ALIAS -PkeyPassword=**** -PkeyAlias=**** clean signingReport build artifactoryPublish -b build.gradle && exit %%ERRORLEVEL%%" release true coordinates: eu.****.cm.dummy.android.single:dummy-android-single-apk:1.0.0-6
[JENKINS-43032] withCredentials masks every occurence of secret string/username/password even if unrelated to binding
Resolution | New: Not A Defect [ 7 ] | |
Status | Original: Open [ 1 ] | New: Resolved [ 5 ] |