Resolution: Unresolved
Currently we are using Cloudbees Jenkins Enterprise [Jenkins ver. (CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise in our Project.
We used to update Build Description automatically by parsing log using Python and used jenkins-cli.jar [version=2.7.20] for updating description in each builds using "set-build-description" parameter.
Jenkins folder structure will be like Project Code–> Projects.
Eg: TGM0 is root folder and inside that we have Projects as sub folders as shown below
list-jobs --> list all root folders as shown below,
But when we try to execute the below command we're getting error as "no job found"
java -jar C:\apps\jenkins-cli.jar -s http://jenkins.fg.rbc.com/ set-build-description DAILY_PERFORMANCE 62 = --username hramkuma --password ** 0<"F:\Jenkins\workspace\TGM0\DAILY_PERFORMANCE\results\Performance_Daily\builddesc.txt"
But the job "Daily Performance" exists in TGM0 folder,
Kindly provide a solution for this.
[JENKINS-43346] Getting "No Such Job" Error while accessing the jobs through jenkins-cli.jar
Attachment | New: image-2017-04-04-14-26-57-613.png [ 36874 ] |
Attachment | New: image-2017-04-04-14-27-25-390.png [ 36875 ] |
Attachment | New: image-2017-04-04-14-30-03-910.png [ 36876 ] |
Component/s | Original: description-setter-plugin [ 15536 ] |
From what I see your job is located in the folder, hence this folder should be specified in the request. Try specifying "TGM0/DAILY_PERFORMANCE" in the command line.