New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
Platform: All, OS: Linux
I am using the latest Hudson build # 1.322 and 0.6.1 build for the Crap4j plug-in.
All Crap4j reports generated by the ANT task successfully. When I open report
page inside Hudson I can see all 4 different graphs and table with Current
Crappy Methods. But when I click on the "All Crappy Methods for #" link I have
two problems. First - looks like crap4j plug-in redirect me on the wrong URL
without my context path "job/ABE/23/" in my case should be
"/hudson/job/ABE/23/". Secondly even that URL would have context path it would
not show to me HTML Reports nicely generated by the ANT task. Could you please
take a look at those issues?
Thank you
[JENKINS-4357] Include original crap4j HTML report for each build
Workflow | Original: JNJira [ 134430 ] | New: JNJira + In-Review [ 174150 ] |
If i understand you right, there are two things described here:
probably true and i will look into this issue soon. Progress is tracked in the
new issue #4361:
That's true and will be a new feature. Everything the plugin parses is the XML
report to generate the charts and tables you've seen. The original HTML report
is not included yet. There are several ways to deal with this feature request.
A simple solution would be to include the HTML pages in the job artifact fileset
and have the Sidebar Link Plugin
(http://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Sidebar-Link+Plugin) link to it.
I'll change this issue to deal with the feature request solely. Could you review
my solution if it's acceptable for you?