It doesn't matter what settings are passed in to Jenkins on the command line (i.e.--httpPort=8001 --httpsPort=8002) the slave-agent.jnlp file refers to port 8010, as do the instructions on the Node page.
At the moment it's impossible to run a web-started node over https, or when Jenkins is running on a non-standard port.
Expected behaviour
If https is enabled then the instructions (and jnlp file) should all point to https, using the port set on the command line. If not then the instructions (and jnlp file) should all point to http, using the port set on the command line.
As designed, I'd say. Jenkins relies on the URL specified in the Global system configuration. The Port from command line cannot be used, because in such case there may be issues with proxy setups (e.g. haproxy or Docker port mapping).