My ideal poolable/lockable resources plugin would look like this:
- Be able to define separate resources
- Each resource can contain parameters (host, port, path, database parameters...) that can be retrieved at runtime in the pipeline
- Resources can belong to a group/pool: when you ask for one resource from the group/pool, you get the first free one
With such a plugin, I could define a 'farm' of integration testing servers where each resource/server would contain parameters like host, linked db settings...
Before running integration tests, I could ask for one free server instance from the pool/farm, extract the needed parameters (host for selenium, db settings so my tests can fill/clean/assert the db content...), run my tests, then release that instance.
Completely agree this is 'killer' feature for this plugin. This will be especially useful when we need to temporarily scaled down the availability of a resource. Now we need to go around deleting labels and re-adding them later. Very messy.