Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins 2.61
email-ext plugin 2.57.2
I have a simple declarative script:
pipeline { agent { label "mypc1" } stages { stage('build') { steps { sh ''' python --version ''' } } } post { // We want to send notification emails to daldrich and the culprits. // The subject and body use the default content set in 'Jenkins > Configure System' success { script{ emailext (body: '${DEFAULT_CONTENT}', recipientProviders: [[$class: 'CulpritsRecipientProvider']], subject: '${DEFAULT_SUBJECT}', to: 'daldrich') } } failure { script{ emailext (body: '${DEFAULT_CONTENT}', recipientProviders: [[$class: 'CulpritsRecipientProvider']], subject: '${DEFAULT_SUBJECT}', to: 'daldrich') } } unstable { script{ emailext (body: '${DEFAULT_CONTENT}', recipientProviders: [[$class: 'CulpritsRecipientProvider']], subject: '${DEFAULT_SUBJECT}', to: 'daldrich') } } changed { script{ emailext (body: '${DEFAULT_CONTENT}', recipientProviders: [[$class: 'CulpritsRecipientProvider']], subject: '${DEFAULT_SUBJECT}', to: 'daldrich') } } } }
Problem 1
The email subject uses : '${DEFAULT_SUBJECT}', which ends with ‘$BUILD_STATUS!’. In the received email for a successful build the build status is ‘Building!’:
Experimental_LedaAP_gcc_build » trunk - Build # 43 - Building!
This is in ‘post’ so I expect the status to be ‘Success!’.
abayer wrote on IRC:
The build hasn't actually finished yet at that point. email-ext probably needs to be changed to be aware of that.
So I think there is a bug in the plugin.
Problem 2
I'm expecting the email to be sent to daldrich and the culprits. There are culprits since there were svn commits by another user since the job last ran successfully.
On Failure, the recipients are daldrich and the culprits, which is correct.
When the failure is Fixed, the recipients are only daldrich - the culprits are not included, which is incorrect. (In a traditional Jenkins job, recipients and culprits are notified of Fixed, if they are specified in the job configuration).
I think this is also a bug in the plugin.
- is caused by
JENKINS-56402 Declarative Pipeline shows SUCCESS even though job FAILED
- Reopened