New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
Platform: All, OS: All
I have 3 requests for enhancement.
+++ View creation /config creation script other than standard mkview:
It would be nice if we could point to another script to run to generate the
view and config spec. (Lot of businesses have created those kind of scripts)
+++ Make $CLEARCASE_VIEW and $CLEARCASE_VIEWPATH available in load rules
Currently I cannot use the options $CLEARCASE_VIEW and $CLEARCASE_VIEWPATH in
the load rules or vob path.
I found no other way to do lshistory then to add a view centric path. Currently
I need to hard code the view name. Would like to use the standard parameter.
This feature and the next one are mutual exclusive. If you implement one, the
need for the other goes away or is lessened. I personally prefer the -avobs
+++ option to export $CLEARCASE_AVOBS and have lshistory use -avobs instead of -
In dynamic views you can specify a $CLEARCASE_AVOBS variable to group a set of
vobs to search in (usefull in a site with 800+ vobs)
Would be nice if $CLEARCASE_AVOBS is set or specified, lshistory would use -
avobs instead of -all
The first request is one I've looked into in the past and may make another run
at in the future, but it's a fairly low priority for me. While many shops may be
using their own homebrewed scripts for view creation etc, that poses as many
difficulties to implement as it provides benefits - you'd to do it right, it'd
have to be very, very generic with lots of configuration required by the user. I
can't help but think the ClearCase plugin has already gotten unwieldy and
excessively complicated to configure, so I'm wary of adding more complexity.
Regarding the next two - again, that's more configuration for specific use cases
than I really feel is a good thing. You can already get a good chunk of what
you're looking for in the second option by specifying paths in multiple VOBs in
the load rules - the end result is the same as if you defined CLEARCASE_AVOBS
and ran lshistory -avobs. And I'm not really clear on what the reason is for
wanting view names in load rules in the first place?