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Like many of the commenters on -- I'd like to be able to capture the exit status and text written to standard out at the same time.JENKINS-26133
My current use case is calling git merge --no-edit $branches and if there was an error sending a slack notification with the output.
The current workaround is:
def status = sh(returnStatus: true, script: "git merge --no-edit $branches > merge_output.txt") if (status != 0) { currentBuild.result = 'FAILED' def output = readFile('merge_output.txt').trim() slackSend channel: SLACK_CHANNEL, message: "<${env.JOB_URL}|${env.JOB_NAME}> ran into an error merging the PR branches into the ${TARGET_BRANCH} branch:\n```\n${output}\n```\n<${env.BUILD_URL}/console|See the full output>", color: 'warning', tokenCredentialId: 'slack-token' error 'Merge conflict' } sh 'rm merge_output.txt'
Which works but isn't a great developer experience... It would be great if I could request an object that contained: status, stdout, and stderr.
- is duplicated by
JENKINS-64882 returnStdout does not capture output of failing command
- Resolved
- is related to
JENKINS-26133 Shell script taking/returning output/status
- Resolved
[JENKINS-44930] Allow sh to return exit status, stdout and stderr all at once
jglick in my experience piping through tee ends up returning the exit status of tee rather than the git merge. Seems like lots of un-fun work arounds for that: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/985876/tee-and-exit-status
I don't quite get why this is an uncommon use case? Whenever you do something (anything), there is probably two things you want to know: did it work and if no, what happened. The sh command is currently not able to provide that.
Redirecting it to a text file would work, but this is far from an elegant solution and opens several other potensial pitfalls.
You could catch the return status by using a try/catch around the sh step, but then returnStdout has no effect.
piping through tee ends up returning the exit status of tee rather than the git merge
Any shell scripts should set errexit, nounset and pipefail anyway, best to get into this habit.
danielbeck I agree, that is the best practice for bash scripts. But sh is documented as providing a Bourne shell and pipefail is a bash specific feature. So to use it you'd need to add a shebang to request bash, then manually call set (or create a separate shell script to do so). Again it's possible, but it requires a lot of boilerplate code.
All I wanted to do was a simple task: run a command and if it fails capture the output to pass to another step. Instead of focusing on that I'm learning all kinds of obscure facts about shell scripting. I thought the whole philosophy of the new pipeline and UI was to make Jenkins more modern and inviting to new users. They shouldn't have to learn all this, the sh could shield them from this the same way that groovy's execute() does.
Instead of focusing on that I'm learning all kinds of obscure facts about shell scripting. I thought the whole philosophy of the new pipeline and UI was to make Jenkins more modern and inviting to new users. They shouldn't have to learn all this, the {{sh}}could shield them from this
No that is the exact opposite of the intent. The Pipeline script is glue code for automating Jenkins operations. Your build processes are your own. If you do not know Bourne shell script and do not care to learn, write Ruby, or whatever.
I'm happy to learn it but I wish I didn't have to. Based on the other comments on this thread that I've responded to the behavior is not obvious.
The Pipeline script is glue code for automating Jenkins operations.
I've been thinking more about this point and agree that it's exactly the right way to look at it but I reach exactly the opposite conclusion.
I've got a step that runs a shell command and then based on it's exit code I want to take the output and pass it to another step. That seems like the definition of glue code. So if I try moving this logic into to "Ruby, or whatever", I'd still be limited to a single return value from the sh call (either status or stdout), but now I'm no longer able to use the slackSend command others exposed by plugins. What I'm asking for is the ability to easily glue these two steps together with out a bunch of extra code to pipe the output to a file, read the file, and then delete the file.
This is not uncommon.
jglick Using your own example at :
Say the push fails - now I would like to know the reason - is it behind and i need to pull? is it permissions? etc.
Even a simple class which has only getStdout, getStderr, getExitcode and overloaded _toString which returns getExitCode could do the trick (I bet it's more complicated than that and there are some more methods in need of overloading , but the idea is the same).
To chime in: we have a script which consist of 10+ lines (so not pipes), most of which is dynamic so I want to get the console output as well as the return code. Using tee or standard redirection is not doing the same as we would have to add it to all commands and if something changes the return code (like tee would from the comments above) - it prevents us from detecting what went wrong.
So +1 to being able to get the console output and the console return code.
Using tee or standard redirection is not doing the same as we would have to add it to all commands
exec in bash without command argument will apply its output redirection to all further commands in the script.
and if something changes the return code (like tee would from the comments above) - it prevents us from detecting what went wrong.
set -o pipefail
exec in bash without command argument will apply its output redirection to all further commands in the script.
I did not know exec could be used like that. So the suggestion is then to return the exit code and redirect bash script output to both file and console and afterwards load the generated log file using something like:
exec &> >(tee -a "$log_file")
echo This will be logged to the file and to the screen
What if I use windows in the mix? Then I would have to use cygwin and stuff?
And say I use multiple shells (bash, tcsh etc.) - then i'd have to do a workaround per environment?
Long story short - this should be supported natively by the pipeline DSL.
I just voted for this feature and here is one use case: Run a shell command and retry the step based on the stdout content. I still want the output to be printed on the console, and I need the log content to analyze it subsequently.
to throw some swear in: it's a pity that introduced returnStatus completly overloads the returnStdout functionality.
This is just - sorry - crap and https://github.com/jenkinsci/workflow-durable-task-step-plugin/pull/11 should have never passed any review! ;/
Fixing this will produce more problems in upcoming updates, gives you real "fun at work" ... thank 'you' ;/
To say it out loud: I'm so p***** of jenkins pipelines, can't find any palliative words for it ...
going back to desk (assuming I'm willing to contribute):
How do we want to rescue this? Actually I see two (hotfix) options (without revamping the complete step):
if both, returnStatus and returnStdout are set (to true), …
- … returnStdout might overload returnStatus in case of success
- this will break anyone's pipeline, that relies on the returnStatus and actually is not that "interested" in stdOut as return type in pipeline
- "migration" step would be "easy", to remove , returnStdout: true
- this will enable the case, that you get the StdOut in normal operation and in case of an error you'll get the return value but you are self-responsible to log stdOut and stdErr
this will open more problems, due to different return types in different cases (not deterministic return type String xor Integer
- this will break anyone's pipeline, that relies on the returnStatus and actually is not that "interested" in stdOut as return type in pipeline
- … return value becomes a result object with getters for both information but toString()
- this will break anyone's pipeline, that actually is interested in returnStatus (even on success)
- "migration" step would be "easy", to remove , returnStdout: true
- This will allow StdOut is casted in a success case, pipeline code get's more a bit more complex only if you need the statusCode
- this will break anyone's pipeline, that actually is interested in returnStatus (even on success)
both: ugly
another sh step option that comes in mind:
- adding s.th. like ignoreErrors so anytime you pass returnStdout you are not forced to try {} catch(ignore){} it
@childnode Pardon my ignorance - I'm no expert on the workings of groovy - but on your warning point of differing return types for hotfix #1, could you have the have the sh instruction return a class that has multiple implicit conversion types? I'm still not clear on it after a bit of reading, but if it is possible, that would be a backwards compatible way to implement the new functionality. May be a bit hacky though?
If both flags are set and and assigned to a type that isn't the new class:
Integer = statusCode
String = stdOutput
stevensauer: I'm not a groovy guru either; at this time of my rant, I didn't googled it yet and I never came up to a bad idea (to implement s.th. that dirty really better Ideas are appreciated / welcome) like that. But FYI: as it seems to me, groovy "magic" is not limited at this point.
entry: http://groovy-lang.org/dsls.html#_operator_overloading
referring to: http://groovy-lang.org/semantics.html#_custom_type_coercion plus the default implementations as stated out in https://stackoverflow.com/a/1276526/529977
(where default intUnbox is "only" applicable to Number or Charset boxes (see callee GroovyDefaultMethods.asType(Object, Class))
aside there is a asBoolean but we're going to deep.
a negative effect of an coercion implementation by asType might be, that "auto-unboxing" will affect pipelines where assigned type declaration is implicit
to go ahead: What are the use-cases? I see:
step call | expected return | shell exists with error code > 0 |
sh "…" | none | pipeline fails |
sh returnStatus: true, "…" | (Integer) exit code | pipeline continues |
sh returnStdOut: true, "…" | (String) stdOut | pipeline fails |
sh returnStatus: true, returnStdOut: true, "…" | ![]() |
![]() pipeline continues |
You are correct. I'm usually very explicit and forgot about implicit type declarations. Oops. Also, those do seem to be the current use cases.
Hmm. From what I can see (of which I could definitely be missing something), the consistent return type being a class that can be expanded on in the future with no/little impact is the lesser of the potential evils. It also seems to have a minimal initial impact on version migration once implemented: Only calls that used both flag params to fill an implicitly declared variable need to migrate to explicit declaration of the variable. Thoughts?
I would like to point out that this would be particularly useful for powershell scripts since the proposed workaround of "just redirect your stuff to a file" just doesn't work in powershell. I've tried umpteen different ways to get powershell to just log all my output and it won't have any of it. Start/Stop Transcript, classic redirection, none of them work consistently or reliably in the jenkins pipeline. Just having the ability to capture the output AND the return code to know if we failed would be outstanding. As it stands right now, I either get my output or I get an exception and I have to do some pipeline trickery to handle both cases. Ugh.
mellery451: just a question: isn't the powershell (introduced by JENKINS-34581) step more suitable for your needs? https://github.com/jenkinsci/workflow-durable-task-step-plugin/blob/master/src/main/java/org/jenkinsci/plugins/workflow/steps/durable_task/PowershellScriptStep.java
If yes, I see a different issue, that there is no functional parity between sh and powershell
Marcel: I'm using `powershell` in a pipeline, as described here: https://jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/workflow-durable-task-step/#code-powershell-code-powershell-script. I think it mostly has parity with the `sh` step. My comment above was mainly in response to the workaround proposed in 26133 (to just redirect output from your shell to file). That's easy to do in bash and not so easy to do in powershell, at least not the way it's currently wrapped in jenkins - that has been my experience so far. Thanks.
Trying to think of a competing CI tool or programming language that doesn't have this obvious feature. returnExit OR stdout thoroughly violates the principle of least surprise.
One solution is to have sh() return the output in the case of returnStdout: true as usual and, in the case of failure, throw an exception that could be a subclass of the current failure exception from which you could extract the error return code if you catch it and the console output is present in the exception as well (so you could extract it too).
Simple solution, create a returnStderr: true
As the empty String (i.e., nothing in stderr) would mean false, it would indicate "no errors"
If it is not empty, one not only knows it failed but also knows WHY it failed.
String status = sh(returnStderr: true, script: "git merge --no-edit $branches > merge_output.txt") if (status) { currentBuild.result = 'FAILED' def output = readFile('merge_output.txt').trim() slackSend channel: SLACK_CHANNEL, message: "<${env.JOB_URL}|${env.JOB_NAME}> ran into an error merging the PR branches into the ${TARGET_BRANCH} branch:\n```\n${output}\n```\n<${env.BUILD_URL}/console|See the full output>", color: 'warning', tokenCredentialId: 'slack-token' error status } sh 'rm merge_output.txt'
Another option:
def status = sh(returnStatus: true, returnStdout: true, returnStderr: true, script: "git merge --no-edit $branches")
Would return a Map, which can be seen as
{ 'rc': <return code value>,
'stdout': <string with stdout content>,
'stderr': <string with stderr content>
A compromise would be to have both stderr and stdout together (easy to capture?)
{ 'rc': <return code value>,
'output': <string with stdout+stderr contents>
P.S.: The 'returnStderr' does not exist yet, I'll file a JIRA for it as it is useful independently.
This should also be implemented for Windows batch 'bat' step. Inability to return both status and stdout is a huge drawback for us. Separate stdout and stderr would be a plus.
Once we want both it could just return a map instead of a value. This seems trivial to implement and won't break anything as returning both doesn't work already.
It would be better using a specific POJO than a Map.
def returnObj = sh(returnStatus: true, returnStdout: true, returnStderr: true, script: "git merge --no-edit $branches") def status = returnObj.getStatus() def stdout = returnObj.getStdout() def stderr = returnObj.getStderr()
Using a Map you would need to know the keys therein, but with a POJO you can use the javadoc to know the getters.
Perhaps the parameter flags returnStatus, returnStdout, returnStderr would not be necessary. It could just return the POJO, and you could either use it or not.
I'd rather keep the switches to avoid unnecessary overhead in the cases these are not necessary.
We already encountered multiple use cases where we needed to parse STDOUT in case a certain exit code happened. Would be great to have this feature.
In my case, I need it as my pipeline scripts need to branch out to different path based on the status and if the status is successful, based on the output of it. It makes a lot of sense to have both status and output returned by this function.
We are using lots of python code called from the shared library, is a pain sh only returns an error code we would need a way to bubble the error message. Those solutions sounds good.
Just sharing my workaround for others:
pipeline { agent { docker { image 'debian' } } stages { stage('script') { steps { script { status = sh( returnStatus: true, script: '''#!/bin/bash exec > >(tee output.log) 2>&1 echo 'one: stdout' >&2 echo 'one: stderr' exit 1 ''' ) output = readFile('output.log').trim() echo output if (status != 0) { currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE' } } } } } post { cleanup { deleteDir() } } }
[Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (script) [Pipeline] script [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] sh one: stdout one: stderr [Pipeline] readFile [Pipeline] echo one: stdout one: stderr [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // script [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions) [Pipeline] deleteDir (show) [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // withDockerContainer [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] End of Pipeline Finished: UNSTABLE
By not making the Jenkins code "more complex" to support a common use case, Jenkins users everywhere need to make their code more complex. I'm certain the sum of "complexity" is much greater now than it would be if `sh` implemented this request. Talk about externalities.
int exitStatus = sh(script: "curl -s -m ${timeoutSeconds} -w %{http_code} ${url}", returnStatus: true) int httpStatus = sh(script: "curl -s -m ${timeoutSeconds} -w %{http_code} ${url}", returnStdout: true)
Curl: exitStatus, httpStatus. Chose one!
elch where are you going with that? We don't want to run every command twice.
I believe command "sh" should always return an object with all relevant output (stdout, stderr, exit_code) and at the same time it should also print the output live to the console unless some argument (no_stdout) or so is given. This way you can access all at once.
The other problem that I see now is that when "returnStdout" is provided, the output is not printed to the console. I would prefer to print the output to the console live anyway but also get the output to parse it or do something special with it.
I would really like this to be supported, as the use of the warnings plugin is otherwise really cumbersome and invasive, see JENKINS-54832 for the issue and workaround.
The usecase of
- using the returncode to fail a build
- using the output for displaying progress
- re-using the output later in further plugins
should be supported by Jenkins natively, and not require workarounds in the buildscripts
Although I am one of the supporters for the implementation of a solution to this JIRA I have to object to a solution like:
" I believe command "sh" should always return an object with all relevant output (stdout, stderr, exit_code) "
Output of sysout and syserr may be too extensive, have all sort of characters, etc. We had a system that included the output as one of the fields of a JSON output and that was always causing problems, requiring retrying, etc.
The workaround for this JIRA that we are using for quite some time and it is working very well is to, if output is requested, write it to a file in the WORSPACE. We do it by piping the output (sysout and/or syserr) but that should be much clear if done by the command itself.
fnasser: I would like and prefer a dump into a file into workspace, while also having normal output.
I am not sure what you mean by "command", you you mean the pipeline command ("sh"), or the native script?
The native script is cumbersome, there might even be different ways with different shells,
if you meant the pipeline command then I am all for it.
but some other idea would be to use a context wrappers like
output(stdout: "build.log", stderr: "err.log") { sh 'cmake --build .' }
Maybe this small function can help take care of exit status and stdout.
def runCommand(script) { echo "[runCommand:script] ${script}" def stdoutFile = "rc.${BUILD_NUMBER}.out" script = script + " > " + stdoutFile def res = [:] res["exitCode"] = sh(returnStatus: true, script: script) res["stdout"] = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "cat " + stdoutFile) sh(returnStatus: true, script: "rm -f " + stdoutFile) echo "[runCommand:response] ${res}" return res }
Example Usage
def response = runCommand("date") echo response["exitCode"] echo response["stdout"]
nolange79 The "command" was in a quote, but yes, we were talking about the 'sh' step.
In fact we use "tee" after the '|' so we are also showing the command output in the log.
I agree that the output should also go to the log.
surajs21, and if you have a multiline string that function works in a surprising way. It needs to be done on the lower level by the plugin to be reliable.
I actually wonder if we can have a console wrapper that will capture whatever output produced inside. Like AnsiColor Plugin. It will not be able to differentiate stdin from stderr though.
I like the solution by surajs21 for smaller outputs. However I have a few calls (using 'bat') that run quite long. I am looking to:
- capture the exitcode to see if the step passed/failed
- capture (grep) for a few specific lines in the output from stdout or stderr that contain more info.
I want to store that info for reporting detailed results at the end - see the progress of the output 'live', rather than a single dump at the end.
Yeah, write to file with 'tee' works, but there should be better solutions ...
So although I'd vote for having the 'object' returned as described by fnasser it would be great if I would also be able to optionally pass a method that does the magic I need. In my case grep for some pattern in stdout, and store it such that it is available after the bat/sh step.
I've been looking at using a 'listener' as described in eg
but have not found a (working) way yet to apply this in a scripted pipeline. Anyone
Using a temp file is an ugly workaround which has at least these obvious disadvantages:
1. You never have 100% guarantee that you don't break parallelism. Every time you introduce one more parallel "axe" (such as release/debug conf, branch, os whatever) you must take care that the temp file has the corresponding suffix.
2. This method won't work in some cases if a command already contains output redirection. For example, on Linux this works: rm 123 > temp.txt 2>&1. I am not sure if we can do the same on Windows. There may be more complex cases with tricky double/single quote combinations and multiple output redirections, of a command which consists of several commands, semicolon separated. At the end we always loose generality and platform-independency if we use a temp file.
3. You must remove the temp file after the command execution, but how do you do it on the node if the pipeline stuff is executed on master? You cannot use Java method File.createTempFile() for this, because it creates the temp file on master. It means that the code which generates the file name must run on master and then you pass this name to the "sh" or "bat" when you remove it. Distinguishing to "sh" and "bat" is also losing of platform-independency by the way.
My current solution with which tried looks like this:
def getOSPathSep() { if (isUnix()) { return '/' } else { return '\\' } } def getTempDirOnNode() { if (isUnix()) { return env.TMPDIR != null ? env.TMPDIR : '/tmp' } else { return env.TEMP } } /* May not work if "cmd" already contains output redirection or more complex shell syntax. */ def runCmdOnNodeSavingExitCodeAndStdout(cmd) { def rc = 0 def stdout = null def tempFileName = 'runCmdOnNodeSavingExitCodeAndStdout_' + UUID.randomUUID() + '.txt' def tempFilePath = getTempDirNode() + getOSPathSep() + tempFileName def tempFileHandle = new File(tempFilePath) print("Using temp file: " + tempFilePath) if (isUnix()) { rc = sh(script: cmd + ' > ' + tempFilePath, returnStatus: true) } else { rc = bat(script: cmd + ' > ' + tempFilePath, returnStatus: true); } stdout = readFile(tempFilePath).trim() // Delete temporary file from the node if (isUnix()) { sh(script: 'rm -f ' + tempFilePath, returnStatus: true) } else { bat(script: 'del /q ' + tempFilePath, returnStatus: true); } return [ rc, stdout ] }
This workaround looks super ugly and of course I would want just say response = sh(cmd); response.getStatus() etc. without the tones of lines.
I vote +1 for this feature. It is such a basic thing that I am surprised what else can be discussed here. just must be.
If pipeline maintainers refuse to implement it we will probably need to write a plugin. I tried to implement a Java function which executes another arbitrary Java code of the given node, but it does not work directly from the pipeline script due to another limitation (see Pipeline scripts fails to call Java code on slave: Failed to deserialize the Callable object, however from a plugin it must work. But I still hope this feature will be implemented, because it is in high demand and I don't see any reason to not have it.
Here's my use case for this:
aws ecr describe-repositories --repository-names foo
I want to check if a Docker repository exists. On success, this command returns a JSON blob in stdout. On failure, it returns a string into stderr. As of right now, what should be a simple case of pattern-matching on the stderr content when exit code != 0 turns into something completely different. I've not yet came to a solution, but it's disappointing that what looks like shell invocation step behaves nothing like the shell in practice.
I can't believe that you've been debating this since 2017. It's a basic feature and wanting to do processing based on the return code and the output is not an "uncommon use case". Any chance we could get this ticket moving?
+1 for this feature ..
A solution to not break the compatibility would be to:
- add an extra parameter, 'returnBothOutputs'
- return as a list the two items [ returnStatusOptionContent , returnStdoutOptionContent ]
I signed up just to be able to up-vote this ticket. It is an incredibly fundamental requirement, I don't understand the controversy.
I like uliulcarpatin's solution that does not break existing code.
It or a variant thereof could also include stdErr...
This really should just return an object, probably something similar to a Process object returned by String.execute() in Groovy. That way we can access stdout, stderr, and returnValue as needed. Outputting to file as a workaround is extremely hacky and unintuitive. It also breaks down as soon as we need to write multiple outputs to the same file as a running log.
Was trying to implement this myself via Groovy's String.execute(), up until I realized it was always executing on master. This really is expected functionality for sh, and I was surprised to find this an open issue.
Just return an object. Override the object's toString() to give returnStatus or returnStdout options, respectively, to help support backward compatibility. Have getReturnStatus(), getStdout(), and getStderr() properties accessible on the object so we can use them as needed.
My case for doing this is to have a fail or retry only under certain conditions. I have scripts that do a lot of cloud work (aws, gcp, etc) so there are transient errors sometimes where a retry might be called for. However there are also failure scenarios that are not transient and a retry would not help. By examining the exit status and output, I could determine whether or not an operation was successful, failed, or could use a retry.
My use case is an SVN operation to see if a TAG exists; here the command may return on STDOUT a revision nr if the tag exists, a warning in STDERR if the tag does not exist yet, or an error on STDERR if something went wrong. Rather than a 5 line call to sh/bat, I now have a 40 line pipeline script with retry/try/catch, storing the stdout/stderr in indvidual files, and reading them back....sigh
You can also | tee output.txt, 2> stderr.txt, etc. Given the simple alternatives I am not inclined to make the code more complex for this relatively uncommon use case.