When using the included/exculded regions for subversion polling as build trigger the specified pattern does only work if the commit url matches completely.

      We use multiple paths for storing test data in a subversion repository, multiple jenkins jobs shall be triggered dependend on the paths. If only the relative path is inserted in the included region section for polling filter, the build is not triggered. Using regex for the path didn't work either, even with a '.*' at the beginning.

      With the help of several threads throughout the internet i found out that the plugin does a regex match instead of a search, so that the regex must match the complete path. After the modification of the regex to include '^<regex>$' the trigger worked.

      I humbly request a modification of the plugin to

      • use another regex match method like search
      • or to document the use of regexes

          [JENKINS-45199] Regex interpretation in Subversion Plugin

          Lorenz Mende created issue -

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            lmende Lorenz Mende
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