Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
We are tesing with the P4 plugin 1.7.2-SNAPSHOT (private-768cb40d-jenkins) we are use this goovy to do a sync:
def p4_credential='xxxxxxxxxx'
def friendly_stream = perforceStream.replaceAll('/','_')
def ublox_utils
node(slaveRestriction) {
def workspace ='workspace/'friendly_stream'_'+env.EXECUTOR_NUMBER
withEnv(["WORKSPACE=${pwd()}"]) {
stage ("Clean structure")
p4sync charset: 'none', credential: p4_credential, populate: [$class: 'ForceCleanImpl', delete: true, modtime: true, pin: '', quiet: true], template: 'jenkins_bootstrap'
stage ("sync code"){
def P4_CHANGELIST=ublox_utils.stream_sync(perforceStream,p4_credential,perforceLabel)
currentBuild.displayName = '#'env.BUILD_NUMBER'.'+P4_CHANGELIST
if (perforceShelve != "")
currentBuild.displayName = currentBuild.displayName+"+${perforceShelve}"
// load template groovy
so we are using a template but in the log we see this:
... p4 client -o jenkins-JNLP4-connect_connection_from_gb-mlb-dt-043.cog.cognovo.com-10___ -
p4 client o jenkins-JNLP4-connect_connection_from_gb-mlb-dt-043.cog.cognovo.com- File name too long
How is this being created given we have set to use a template?
And we do need to manage large workspace names
I have found a fix but not sure if this is what is supposed to be done.
p4sync command was changed to:
p4sync charset: 'none', credential: p4_credential, format: 'jenkins_bootstrap2', populate: [$class: 'ForceCleanImpl', delete: true, modtime: true, pin: '', quiet: true], template: 'jenkins_bootstrap'
this now works for me