Resolution: Unresolved
Short problem description: Job on dedicated slave not started since Jenkins 2.71
Detailed description:
- I have jobs that run only on slave nodes with dedicated labels (label-A && label-B).
- Then, I have slave nodes that contain these labels label-A, label-B, label-C, ... .
- In the slave node configuration, I have also configured that only a special user (user-ID coming from LDAP) is allowed to run jobs on this slave.
- Problem: when I want to launch the job, the job is queued with the hint Node.LabelMissing (I found it in Google: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/blob/master/core/src/main/resources/hudson/model/Messages_de.properties). When I move the mouse over the job in the queue, I get more details about the missing label. The list contains many many slave nodes which do not contain the label, which is correct. But it seems that my dedicated node is not considered at all.
- After rolling back to Jenkins 2.70 (exchanging the war file, no change in plugins), the job can be started without any problems.
[JENKINS-45959] Node.LabelMissing error in Jenkins 2.71
Labels | Original: label node slave | New: label node regression slave |
Attachment | New: image-2017-08-16-07-12-43-062.png [ 39295 ] |
Component/s | New: job-restrictions-plugin [ 18044 ] | |
Labels | Original: label node regression slave | New: label node regression slave user |
Could you be more specific about how you have configured this? Some special plugin? Are there steps to reproduce this issue from scratch in a fresh installation (the Mock Agent and Mock Security Realm plugins are convenient for such cases)?
Looking over changes in 2.71 I do not see anything obviously related to queue maintenance. There were some changes in User lookup which should not have had behavioral effects but it is possible, especially if some plugin is manipulating users in an unusual way.