In strained situations, more resources than you asked for might get locked. This creates a bottleneck problem related to resources but it cannot be solved by adding more resources.
In worst cases will always lock all resources with a certain label instead of the required amount.
You can recreate the issue by configuring a couple (say 4) of lockable resources with a tag. Trigger a bunch of these jobs with NUM_RESOURCES between 1 - 4 to build up a queue of jobs waiting for their resources to become available. Eventually the error will start appearing.
parameters ([
string(name: 'NUM_RESOURCES')
node {
def askFor = params.NUM_RESOURCES as Integer
lock(label: "FOO", quantity: askFor) {
def clients = org.jenkins.plugins.lockableresources.LockableResourcesManager.class.get().getResourcesFromBuild(currentBuild.getRawBuild())
echo("Asked for ${askFor} resources, got ${clients.size()}: ${clients.toString()}")
sleep (60 * 10)
if (askFor != clients.size()) {
error ("Wrong amount of resources acquired")