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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-46653

Jenkins configure system save and apply buttons missing

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • core
    • None
    • Jenkins 2.75
      running on Redhat Linux

      On the Jenkins configuration system page there is no "save" or "apply" buttons at the bottom of the page.   also no footer stating " page generated: or Jenkins ver. 2.75" appears on the page.



      Opening chrome developer tools shows the following

      Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'firstChild' of undefined
      at registerValidator (hudson-behavior.js:424)
      at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
      at behavior.js:111
      at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
      at behavior.js:107
      at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
      at Object.applySubtree (behavior.js:93)
      at adjuncts/f320c8a4/lib/credentials/select/select.js:269


      also shows element as


      On pages that have the "save" and "apply" button this element shows as 

      Not able to create new configurations and save them. 

       Here is my plugin list.  I saw that there was a issue with the JIRA testing plugin that causes similar issue, but we do have have a JIRA plugin installed



      LDAP Plugin (ldap): 1.16 SSH Slaves plugin (ssh-slaves): 1.21 MSBuild Plugin (msbuild): 1.27 SSH Credentials Plugin (ssh-credentials): 1.13 Git plugin (git): 3.5.1 Pipeline: Step API (workflow-step-api): 2.12 Static Analysis Utilities (analysis-core): 1.92 Pipeline: SCM Step (workflow-scm-step): 2.6 Ant Plugin (ant): 1.7 built-on-column (built-on-column): 1.1 Monitoring (monitoring): 1.68.1 OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin (antisamy-markup-formatter): 1.5 Hudson Blame Subversion Plug-in (BlameSubversion): 1.200 SSH plugin (ssh): 2.5 GIT server Plugin (git-server): 1.7 Authentication Tokens API Plugin (authentication-tokens): 1.3 Timestamper (timestamper): 1.8.8 Violations plugin (violations): 0.7.11 Docker Commons Plugin (docker-commons): 1.8 Structs Plugin (structs): 1.10 Durable Task Plugin (durable-task): 1.14 Pipeline: Stage Step (pipeline-stage-step): 2.2 Pipeline: Model Definition (pipeline-model-definition): 1.1.9 Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries (workflow-cps-global-lib): 2.8 PAM Authentication plugin (pam-auth): 1.3 SSH2 Easy Plugin (ssh2easy): 1.4 Self-Organizing Swarm Plug-in Modules (swarm): 3.4 File Operations Plugin (file-operations): 1.6 JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin (momentjs): 1.1.1 Job Import Plugin (job-import-plugin): 1.8 Resource Disposer Plugin (resource-disposer): 0.7 Pipeline: REST API Plugin (pipeline-rest-api): 2.8 JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin (ace-editor): 1.1 Subversion Plug-in (subversion): 2.9 Gradle Plugin (gradle): 1.27.1 Credentials Plugin (credentials): 2.1.14 Git client plugin (git-client): 2.5.0 External Monitor Job Type Plugin (external-monitor-job): 1.7 PowerShell plugin (powershell): 1.3 Branch API Plugin (branch-api): 2.0.11 Icon Shim Plugin (icon-shim): 2.0.3 Status Monitor Plugin (statusmonitor): 1.3 Email Extension Plugin (email-ext): 2.58 Plain Credentials Plugin (plain-credentials): 1.4 Conditional BuildStep (conditional-buildstep): 1.3.6 Matrix Configuration Parameter Plugin (matrix-combinations-parameter): 1.2.0 Async Http Client (async-http-client): jQuery plugin (jquery): 1.11.2-0 Maven Info Plugin (maven-info): 0.2.0 Scriptler (scriptler): 2.9 Token Macro Plugin (token-macro): 2.2 Multijob plugin (jenkins-multijob-plugin): 1.27 Docker Pipeline (docker-workflow): 1.12 Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata (pipeline-stage-tags-metadata): 1.1.9 Windows Slaves Plugin (windows-slaves): 1.3.1 Cobertura Plugin (cobertura): 1.11 Deploy to container Plugin (deploy): 1.13 Maven Artifact ChoiceListProvider (Nexus) (maven-artifact-choicelistprovider): 1.1.3 SCM API Plugin (scm-api): 2.2.1 Static Analysis Collector Plug-in (analysis-collector): 1.52 Pipeline: Supporting APIs (workflow-support): 2.14 Extensible Choice Parameter plugin (extensible-choice-parameter): 1.4.0 Config File Provider Plugin (config-file-provider): 2.16.3 Run Condition Plugin (run-condition): 1.0 Publish Over SSH (publish-over-ssh): 1.17 Pipeline: Milestone Step (pipeline-milestone-step): 1.3.1 Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API (pipeline-model-extensions): 1.1.9 Pipeline: Nodes and Processes (workflow-durable-task-step): 2.14 Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin (matrix-auth): 1.7 JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin (handlebars): 1.1.1 Configuration Slicing plugin (configurationslicing): 1.47 WildFly Deployer Plugin (wildfly-deployer): 1.0.2 EnvInject API Plugin (envinject-api): 1.2 JUnit Plugin (junit): 1.21 HTML Publisher plugin (htmlpublisher): 1.14 Subversion Tagging Plugin (svn-tag): 1.18 Workspace Cleanup Plugin (ws-cleanup): 0.34 JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin (jquery-detached): 1.2.1 Credentials Binding Plugin (credentials-binding): 1.13 Pipeline: Multibranch (workflow-multibranch): 2.16 Maven Invoker plugin (maven-invoker-plugin): 1.3 SSH Agent Plugin (ssh-agent): 1.15 Parameterized Trigger plugin (parameterized-trigger): 2.35.1 Repository Connector (repository-connector): 1.1.3 Copy Artifact Plugin (copyartifact): 1.38.1 Pipeline: Input Step (pipeline-input-step): 2.8 Maven Metadata Plugin for Jenkins CI server (maven-metadata-plugin): 1.5.0 Maven Integration plugin (maven-plugin): 2.17 Javadoc Plugin (javadoc): 1.4 JaCoCo plugin (jacoco): 2.2.1 GitHub Organization Folder Plugin (github-organization-folder): 1.6 bouncycastle API Plugin (bouncycastle-api): 2.16.2 Compress Artifacts Plugin (compress-artifacts): 1.10 View Job Filters (view-job-filters): 1.27 Pipeline (workflow-aggregator): 2.5 Maven Deployment Linker (maven-deployment-linker): 1.5.1 Pipeline: Declarative Agent API (pipeline-model-declarative-agent): 1.1.1 Permissive Script Security Plugin (permissive-script-security): 0.1 Active Choices Plug-in (uno-choice): 1.5.2 Maven Release Plug-in Plug-in (m2release): 0.14.0 Pipeline: API (workflow-api): 2.20 GitHub API Plugin (github-api): 1.86 Translation Assistance plugin (translation): 1.15 JBoss Management Plugin (jboss): 1.0.5 Matrix Project Plugin (matrix-project): 1.11 Pipeline: GitHub Groovy Libraries (pipeline-github-lib): 1.0 MapDB API Plugin (mapdb-api): FindBugs Plug-in (findbugs): 4.71 Node and Label parameter plugin (nodelabelparameter): 1.7.2 GitHub plugin (github): 1.28.0 Parameterized Remote Trigger Plugin (Parameterized-Remote-Trigger): 2.2.2 Deploy WebLogic Plugin (weblogic-deployer-plugin): 4.0 Pipeline: Groovy (workflow-cps): 2.39 Pipeline: Model API (pipeline-model-api): 1.1.9 Pipeline Maven Integration Plugin (pipeline-maven): 3.0.0 Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin (pipeline-graph-analysis): 1.5 Pipeline: Basic Steps (workflow-basic-steps): 2.6 TestNG Results Plugin (testng-plugin): 1.14 Run Condition Extras Plugin (run-condition-extras): 0.2 Display URL API (display-url-api): 2.0 Checkstyle Plug-in (checkstyle): 3.49 Pipeline: Build Step (pipeline-build-step): 2.5.1 HPE Application Automation Tools (hp-application-automation-tools-plugin): 5.2 GitHub Branch Source Plugin (github-branch-source): 2.2.3 Script Security Plugin (script-security): 1.33 Environment Injector Plugin (envinject): 2.1.3 Slack Notification Plugin (slack): 2.2 Folders Plugin (cloudbees-folder): 6.1.2 PMD Plug-in (pmd): 3.49 Pipeline: Stage View Plugin (pipeline-stage-view): 2.8 Text File Operations (text-file-operations): 1.3.2 Pipeline: Job (workflow-job): 2.14.1 JSch dependency plugin (jsch): Jackson 2 API Plugin (jackson2-api): 2.7.3 build timeout plugin (build-timeout): 1.18 Mailer Plugin (mailer): 1.20 Result: [Plugin:ldap, Plugin:ssh-slaves, Plugin:msbuild, Plugin:ssh-credentials, Plugin:git, Plugin:workflow-step-api, Plugin:analysis-core, Plugin:workflow-scm-step, Plugin:ant, Plugin:built-on-column, Plugin:monitoring, Plugin:antisamy-markup-formatter, Plugin:BlameSubversion, Plugin:ssh, Plugin:git-server, Plugin:authentication-tokens, Plugin:timestamper, Plugin:violations, Plugin:docker-commons, Plugin:structs, Plugin:durable-task, Plugin:pipeline-stage-step, Plugin:pipeline-model-definition, Plugin:workflow-cps-global-lib, Plugin:pam-auth, Plugin:ssh2easy, Plugin:swarm, Plugin:file-operations, Plugin:momentjs, Plugin:job-import-plugin, Plugin:resource-disposer, Plugin:pipeline-rest-api, Plugin:ace-editor, Plugin:subversion, Plugin:gradle, Plugin:credentials, Plugin:git-client, Plugin:external-monitor-job, Plugin:powershell, Plugin:branch-api, Plugin:icon-shim, Plugin:statusmonitor, Plugin:email-ext, Plugin:plain-credentials, Plugin:conditional-buildstep, Plugin:matrix-combinations-parameter, Plugin:async-http-client, Plugin:jquery, Plugin:maven-info, Plugin:scriptler, Plugin:token-macro, Plugin:jenkins-multijob-plugin, Plugin:docker-workflow, Plugin:pipeline-stage-tags-metadata, Plugin:windows-slaves, Plugin:cobertura, Plugin:deploy, Plugin:maven-artifact-choicelistprovider, Plugin:scm-api, Plugin:analysis-collector, Plugin:workflow-support, Plugin:extensible-choice-parameter, Plugin:config-file-provider, Plugin:run-condition, Plugin:publish-over-ssh, Plugin:pipeline-milestone-step, Plugin:pipeline-model-extensions, Plugin:workflow-durable-task-step, Plugin:matrix-auth, Plugin:handlebars, Plugin:configurationslicing, Plugin:wildfly-deployer, Plugin:envinject-api, Plugin:junit, Plugin:htmlpublisher, Plugin:svn-tag, Plugin:ws-cleanup, Plugin:jquery-detached, Plugin:credentials-binding, Plugin:workflow-multibranch, Plugin:maven-invoker-plugin, Plugin:ssh-agent, Plugin:parameterized-trigger, Plugin:repository-connector, Plugin:copyartifact, Plugin:pipeline-input-step, Plugin:maven-metadata-plugin, Plugin:maven-plugin, Plugin:javadoc, Plugin:jacoco, Plugin:github-organization-folder, Plugin:bouncycastle-api, Plugin:compress-artifacts, Plugin:view-job-filters, Plugin:workflow-aggregator, Plugin:maven-deployment-linker, Plugin:pipeline-model-declarative-agent, Plugin:permissive-script-security, Plugin:uno-choice, Plugin:m2release, Plugin:workflow-api, Plugin:github-api, Plugin:translation, Plugin:jboss, Plugin:matrix-project, Plugin:pipeline-github-lib, Plugin:mapdb-api, Plugin:findbugs, Plugin:nodelabelparameter, Plugin:github, Plugin:Parameterized-Remote-Trigger, Plugin:weblogic-deployer-plugin, Plugin:workflow-cps, Plugin:pipeline-model-api, Plugin:pipeline-maven, Plugin:pipeline-graph-analysis, Plugin:workflow-basic-steps, Plugin:testng-plugin, Plugin:run-condition-extras, Plugin:display-url-api, Plugin:checkstyle, Plugin:pipeline-build-step, Plugin:hp-application-automation-tools-plugin, Plugin:github-branch-source, Plugin:script-security, Plugin:envinject, Plugin:slack, Plugin:cloudbees-folder, Plugin:pmd, Plugin:pipeline-stage-view, Plugin:text-file-operations, Plugin:workflow-job, Plugin:jsch, Plugin:jackson2-api, Plugin:build-timeout, Plugin:mailer]

          [JENKINS-46653] Jenkins configure system save and apply buttons missing

          I have the same problem too.

          Greetings, Jonas.

          Jonas Tittmann added a comment - Hello, I have the same problem too. Greetings, Jonas.

          K C added a comment -

          I upgraded from 2.75 to 2.77 and still have the issue. @Jonas can you compare my list of plugins to what you have installed, maybe its a plugin issue and we can narrow it down. 

          K C added a comment - I upgraded from 2.75 to 2.77 and still have the issue. @Jonas can you compare my list of plugins to what you have installed, maybe its a plugin issue and we can narrow it down. 

          Daniel Beck added a comment -

          I installed the newest versions of all listed plugins (with the exception of the currently suspended scriptler, uno-choice, and svn-tag) on a pristine 2.78 and the button shows up in the global config.

          This needs specific steps to reproduce from scratch, ideally with fewer than 130 or so plugins, to be actionable. Not claiming it doesn't happen, but investigating this wouldn't be time well spent for anyone but reporters.

          Daniel Beck added a comment - I installed the newest versions of all listed plugins (with the exception of the currently suspended scriptler, uno-choice, and svn-tag) on a pristine 2.78 and the button shows up in the global config. This needs specific steps to reproduce from scratch, ideally with fewer than 130 or so plugins, to be actionable. Not claiming it doesn't happen, but investigating this wouldn't be time well spent for anyone but reporters.

          Marcelo Filho added a comment -

          Same problem on the Jenkins ver. 2.103 version. Just updated from 1.651.

          Marcelo Filho added a comment - Same problem on the Jenkins ver. 2.103 version. Just updated from 1.651.

          Oleg Nenashev added a comment -

          idemax Would it be possible to provide a step-by-step reproduction guide and reopen the issue?

          Oleg Nenashev added a comment - idemax Would it be possible to provide a step-by-step reproduction guide and reopen the issue?

          Marcelo Filho added a comment -

          Hey oleg_nenashev, thanks for comment!

          Actually there is kinda none... As I said, I'm working on a very old instance that was 1.651 version, so today I've updated it to 2.103 then the button was gone! Not even in the HTML the button is there somehow...

          Tomorrow morning I can provide you the plugin list, might it help?


          Marcelo Filho added a comment - Hey oleg_nenashev , thanks for comment! Actually there is kinda none... As I said, I'm working on a very old instance that was 1.651 version, so today I've updated it to 2.103 then the button was gone! Not even in the HTML the button is there somehow... Tomorrow morning I can provide you the plugin list, might it help? Cheers!

          Daniel Beck added a comment -

          As I wrote above, I couldn't reproduce this when I tried earlier with the full set of plugins provided. It might work with yours, but personally I'd rather not spend more time trying to figure out which combination of 100+ plugins causes this issue. If you're able to reproduce from a pristine installation and an ideally small subset of plugins, that would be a great start.

          Daniel Beck added a comment - As I wrote above, I couldn't reproduce this when I tried earlier with the full set of plugins provided. It might work with yours, but personally I'd rather not spend more time trying to figure out which combination of 100+ plugins causes this issue. If you're able to reproduce from a pristine installation and an ideally small subset of plugins, that would be a great start.

          Marcelo Filho added a comment -

          I was think the same danielbeck, but I would like to know, if you know of course, what could be a root cause of it... Once I don´t see any of them willing to change some save behavior although the save/apply system might be common so we might have a root cause.

          Marcelo Filho added a comment - I was think the same danielbeck , but I would like to know, if you know of course, what could be a root cause of it... Once I don´t see any of them willing to change some save behavior although the save/apply system might be common so we might have a root cause.

          Marcelo Filho added a comment -

          Hi again, the only thing that I could see so far is that the footer (with the version number and stuff) is hidden when I open the Configure System page, but for every page else the footer and the save/apply button are showing up...

          Marcelo Filho added a comment - Hi again, the only thing that I could see so far is that the footer (with the version number and stuff) is hidden when I open the Configure System page, but for every page else the footer and the save/apply button are showing up...

          Marcelo Filho added a comment - - edited

          Comparing mine and their, I´ve found these common plugins. I will explore which one is the problematic... I´m not checking the version:

          ant plugin
          api plugin
          bouncycastle api plugin
          branch api plugin
          checkstyle plug-in
          cobertura plugin
          config file provider plugin
          credentials plugin
          deploy to container plugin
          display url api
          durable task plugin
          external monitor job type plugin
          findbugs plug-in
          folders plugin
          git client plugin
          git plugin
          git server plugin
          gradle plugin
          html publisher plugin
          icon shim plugin
          javadoc plugin
          javascript gui lib
          jquery plugin
          jsch dependency plugin
          junit plugin
          ldap plugin
          mailer plugin
          mapdb api plugin
          matrix authorization strategy plugin
          matrix project plugin
          maven integration plugin
          maven release plug-in plug-in
          msbuild plugin
          owasp markup formatter plugin
          pam authentication plugin
          pmd plug-in
          publish over ssh
          resource disposer plugin
          scm api plugin
          script security plugin
          ssh credentials plugin
          ssh slaves plugin
          static analysis utilities
          structs plugin
          subversion plug-in
          subversion tagging plugin
          token macro plugin
          translation assistance plugin
          violations plugin
          windows slaves plugin
          workspace cleanup plugin

          Marcelo Filho added a comment - - edited Comparing mine and their, I´ve found these common plugins. I will explore which one is the problematic... I´m not checking the version: ant plugin api plugin bouncycastle api plugin branch api plugin checkstyle plug-in cobertura plugin config file provider plugin credentials plugin deploy to container plugin display url api durable task plugin external monitor job type plugin findbugs plug-in folders plugin git client plugin git plugin git server plugin gradle plugin html publisher plugin icon shim plugin javadoc plugin javascript gui lib jquery plugin jsch dependency plugin junit plugin ldap plugin mailer plugin mapdb api plugin matrix authorization strategy plugin matrix project plugin maven integration plugin maven release plug-in plug-in msbuild plugin owasp markup formatter plugin pam authentication plugin pipeline pmd plug-in publish over ssh resource disposer plugin scm api plugin script security plugin ssh credentials plugin ssh slaves plugin static analysis utilities structs plugin subversion plug-in subversion tagging plugin token macro plugin translation assistance plugin violations plugin windows slaves plugin workspace cleanup plugin

          K C added a comment -


          We eventually resolved the issue by making sure only one JDK was selected for "install automatically".  When more than one JDK was selected for "install automatically" the buttons disappeared. 

          K C added a comment - Hi, We eventually resolved the issue by making sure only one JDK was selected for "install automatically".  When more than one JDK was selected for "install automatically" the buttons disappeared. 

          Marcelo Filho added a comment -

          Unfortunately I had to gave up, I ended up breaking the Jenkins until the point that it didn´t work anymore. So the bug still unknown...

          Marcelo Filho added a comment - Unfortunately I had to gave up, I ended up breaking the Jenkins until the point that it didn´t work anymore. So the bug still unknown...

          Marcelo Filho added a comment -

          In Jenkins or in the sever itself krcuser?

          Marcelo Filho added a comment - In Jenkins or in the sever itself krcuser ?

          K C added a comment -

          In Jenkins 

          Jenkins --> Manage Jenkins --> Global Tools Configuration --> JDK installations 

          K C added a comment - In Jenkins  Jenkins --> Manage Jenkins --> Global Tools Configuration --> JDK installations 

          Marcelo Filho added a comment -

          krcuser worked! Thanks!

          Marcelo Filho added a comment - krcuser worked! Thanks!

          Marcelo Filho added a comment -

          I would like to propose to reopen this ticket once I would like to propose the steps to reproduce:

          1. Have a Jenkins 1.x version installed
          2. Misconfigure two JDKs in the Configure System
          3. Update to 2.x version

          Workaround: Remove the extra JDK before update the Jenkins.

          Marcelo Filho added a comment - I would like to propose to reopen this ticket once I would like to propose the steps to reproduce: Have a Jenkins 1.x version installed Misconfigure two JDKs in the Configure System Update to 2.x version Workaround: Remove the extra JDK before update the Jenkins.

          Marcelo Filho added a comment -

          Sorry for the comment flood but I will update this as soon as I´m facing the problems...

          After update ALL plugins the problem showed up again, I will try to figure out this now.

          Marcelo Filho added a comment - Sorry for the comment flood but I will update this as soon as I´m facing the problems... After update ALL plugins the problem showed up again, I will try to figure out this now.

          Rashid Amiri added a comment -

          idemax , Do you have any updates on this issue? Struggling a lot to find a fix for this, but it seems like there's something wrong with the new Jenkin's UI or could it be a plugin issue? 

          Rashid Amiri added a comment - idemax , Do you have any updates on this issue? Struggling a lot to find a fix for this, but it seems like there's something wrong with the new Jenkin's UI or could it be a plugin issue? 

          Marcelo Filho added a comment -

          rashid_amiri actually there is no standard way to workaround this once looks very random. The source of the problem is that somehow the XML of the credentials is changed and the XML format is broken but even after many plugins installation and uninstallation the source plugin or cause was not found. My advise is to save a backup copy of you configuration XML and apply it again when this problem appear. I will dive into it soon and let you know if I get any new result.

          Marcelo Filho added a comment - rashid_amiri actually there is no standard way to workaround this once looks very random. The source of the problem is that somehow the XML of the credentials is changed and the XML format is broken but even after many plugins installation and uninstallation the source plugin or cause was not found. My advise is to save a backup copy of you configuration XML and apply it again when this problem appear. I will dive into it soon and let you know if I get any new result.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            krcuser K C
            3 Vote for this issue
            11 Start watching this issue
