Resolution: Unresolved
Please explain how can i integrate Bugzilla with Jenkins.
Steps i have done till now are below:
- Installed Bugzilla and Jenkins in local system
- Able to access both applications
- Installed Bugzilla plugin in Jenkins application
- My Expectation is to perform as given in this linkhttps://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Bugzilla+Plugin
- I have created some bugs in bugzilla
- But after creating build in jenkins, No bugs are shown in Job status.
Thanks in Advance.
[JENKINS-46841] I Have integrated Bugzilla with jenkins but unable to see Bugs from Bugzilla in Jenkins
Description |
Please explain how can i integrate *Bugzilla* with *Jenkins*. Steps i have done till now are below: # Installed Bugzilla and Jenkins in local system # Able to access both applications # Installed Bugzilla plugin in Jenkins application # When i tried to add Bugzilla URL in Jenkins showing error, Screenshot attached. [Bugzilla Plugin Integration|https://i.stack.imgur.com/bbLG3.png] # My Expectation is to perform as given in this link[https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Bugzilla+Plugin] Thanks in Advance. |
Please explain how can i integrate *Bugzilla* with *Jenkins*. Steps i have done till now are below: # Installed Bugzilla and Jenkins in local system # Able to access both applications # Installed Bugzilla plugin in Jenkins application # My Expectation is to perform as given in this link[https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Bugzilla+Plugin] Thanks in Advance. |
Description |
Please explain how can i integrate *Bugzilla* with *Jenkins*. Steps i have done till now are below: # Installed Bugzilla and Jenkins in local system # Able to access both applications # Installed Bugzilla plugin in Jenkins application # My Expectation is to perform as given in this link[https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Bugzilla+Plugin] Thanks in Advance. |
Please explain how can i integrate *Bugzilla* with *Jenkins*. Steps i have done till now are below: # Installed Bugzilla and Jenkins in local system # Able to access both applications # Installed Bugzilla plugin in Jenkins application # My Expectation is to perform as given in this link[https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Bugzilla+Plugin] # I have created some bugs in bugzilla # But after creating build in jenkins, No bugs are shown in Job status. Thanks in Advance. |
Summary | Original: Please explain how can i integrate Bugzilla with Jenkins, Steps i followed till now given in description | New: I Have integrated Bugzilla with jenkins but unable to see Bugs from Bugzilla in Jenkins |
Rank | New: Ranked higher |
Priority | Original: Major [ 3 ] | New: Critical [ 2 ] |