Resolution: Unresolved
As with the eachLine-method on String only works for the first iteration.JENKINS-26481
Using version 3.39
We use a cleanup-pipeline to find all running docker-containers without a corresponding feature-branch (deleted after merge).
stage('clean') { def branches = [] // extract available branches from git sh (returnStdout: true, script: "ssh-agent bash -c 'ssh-add /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa &>/dev/null; git ls-remote --heads --refs ssh://git@myrepo/project.git' | cut -f 2") .eachLine { branches << it } // extract all containers (including stopped) def containers = [] sh (returnStdout: true, script: "docker ps -a --format '{{.Names}}' --filter name=project") .trim() .eachLine { containers << it } println(containers) // <---- only prints first container println(branches) // <---- only prints first branch //stop containers for non existing branches... containers.each{ containername -> if(branches.findAll({branch -> branch.contains(containername)}).isEmpty()){ println("trying to stop ${containername}") //sh ("docker stop ${containername} || true") // container might already be stopped println("removing ${containername}") //sh ("docker rm ${containername}") } } }
As a workaround replace eachLine with split('\n').each { ... }
I lost an afternoon to this bug and it's real and still open. The workaround mentioned of the split each works great. Just chiming in that this does actually need to be fixed.