Huh, I missed seeing the request, but did see your close emails.
Steps to reproduce:
- Click on New Pipeline
- Click on Git for "Where do you store your code"
- Fill in the Repository URL. i.e. git@git.server.local:users/krachynski/jenkinspipeline
- Click "Create Pipeline"
Well dang. The UI has changed since I reported this. It's now asking me to use a specific public SSH key instead of the one my Jenkins Server has already registered with our Git server. According to the documetation, I should have a credentials selector which I don't.
So I guess I can't reproduce this either. Can't successfully create a pipeline now either, but that's a separate issue.
Hi krachynski,
Thanks for the report. Could you give reproduction steps for this problem? It was unclear to me to what is exactly happening here.