Resolution: Unresolved
Windows 7
I'm trying to move few jobs from existing Jenkins setup (running on CentOS 6) to my local machine (Windows 7)
When I run the job import on my local machine I get this error:
FAILED - Unable to read JENKINS_HOME\jobs\JOB_NAME\config.xml
Pls note that the JENKINS_HOME is a path my local machine, while the job is to be imported from the remote machine.
It works perfectly fine when I tried the exact same steps from a CentOS system.
I suspect that the plugin doesn't work on cross-platform
[JENKINS-47471] Job Import plugin is throwing 'Unable to read' error
Attachment | Original: Untitled.png [ 40036 ] |
Attachment | New: Untitled.png [ 40037 ] |
Assignee | New: Emilio Escobar [ escoem ] |
Hello sherigar_vikram can you please attach a support bundle of your jenkins instance running on windows 7? It can be easily generated with https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Support+Core+Plugin
Can you also attach the config.xml file of the job?
> I suspect that the plugin doesn't work on cross-platform
IIRC, It should