Resolution: Fixed
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After upgrading Jenkins plugins (presumably irrelevant durable-task => 1.16): junit 1.21 => 1.22.1
***@***:~$ grep "In getOwner" /var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log ... 2017-11-15 10:54:05 WARNING [hudson.tasks.junit.CaseResult getRun] In getOwner(), suiteResult.getParent() is null. ***@***:~$ grep "In getOwner" /var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log | wc -l 820
Actually I had hoped to benefit from JENKINS-27395 (due to having two different stages using the junit step for recording the test results), but in fact everything looks like before, except the new excessive warning log spam. Since the number of tests is in fact 678, I am also wondering about the number of 820 logs.
The junit step is called like this: junit(keepLongStdio: true, testResults: phpUnitXmlFilename); as aforementioned in two different stages for different XML Files, each one stemming from PHPUnit 6.4.3
- causes
JENKINS-61787 jenkins.model.Jenkins loaded from parser callable via TestNameTransformer
- Resolved
- is related to
JENKINS-27395 distinguish test reports filed from different parts of workflow
- Resolved
- links to
[JENKINS-48020] Warning log spam "[hudson.tasks.junit.CaseResult getRun] In getOwner(), suiteResult.getParent() is null."
Ok, got one part - the failed tests lists don't include the stage name. If you drill down in the full test list to a particular test class, you'll see the test names including the stage name, but not in the list of failed tests, or the list of packages or classes. The latter two are sadly just what we're stuck with - it's entirely possible for a package or class result to contain tests from multiple stages, so there's no viable way I've found yet to connect package/class results with a specific stage. The failed tests, though, should have the stage included, but they pull their display name differently than in the case list, so I need to fix that.
I can't reproduce the warnings, though - as mentioned, your Jenkinsfile, and particularly your test results XML file that the step is reading, would be hugely helpful for that.
Check that, got the warning. It shows up when getting trends. Working on it.
Well, the Jenkinsfile actually depends heavily on a shared pipeline library, but the basic principle is that in two different stages ("docker-unit-tests" and "docker-integration-tests") PHPUnit (v6.4.3) is executed in a Docker Container via "phpunit --log-junit phpunit-result.xml ..."
... and the resulting XML file processed like this:
def phpUnitXmlFilename = 'phpunit-result.xml' ... junit(keepLongStdio: true, testResults: phpUnitXmlFilename)
(Maybe mind that it is "only" one single XML file in each run, and that the filename does not change.)
Which of the test reports XML do you need: the one written by Jenkins in "/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/<job name>/builds/<build number>/junitResult.xml" or the PHPUnit output files?
The former one looks like this:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <result plugin="junit@1.22.1"> <suites> <suite> <file>/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/ACME-Pipeline-WS/phpunit-result.xml</file> <name>ACME_Accounting_Accountings_FileImporters_UBSTest</name> <duration>0.009598</duration> <time>0.009598</time> <nodeId>51</nodeId> <enclosingBlocks> <string>34</string> </enclosingBlocks> <enclosingBlockNames> <string>docker-unit-tests</string> </enclosingBlockNames> <cases> <case> <duration>0.00624</duration> <className>ACME_Accounting_Accountings_FileImporters_UBSTest</className> <testName>testCheckFile</testName> <skipped>false</skipped> <failedSince>0</failedSince> </case> <case> <duration>0.002944</duration> <className>ACME_Accounting_Accountings_FileImporters_UBSTest</className> <testName>testImport</testName> <skipped>false</skipped> <failedSince>0</failedSince> </case> <case> <duration>4.14E-4</duration> <className>ACME_Accounting_Accountings_FileImporters_UBSTest</className> <testName>testPossibleTenantsKeys</testName> <skipped>false</skipped> <failedSince>0</failedSince> </case> </cases> </suite> <suite> <file>/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/ACME-Pipeline-WS/phpunit-result.xml</file> <name>ACME_Accounting_Export_Abacus_GeneratorTest</name> ... <suite> <file>/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/ACME-Pipeline-WS/phpunit-result.xml</file> <name>TestFramework_DbFixtureGenerator_MeasuringModelBuilderTest</name> <duration>0.017027</duration> <time>0.017027</time> <nodeId>80</nodeId> <enclosingBlocks> <string>61</string> </enclosingBlocks> <enclosingBlockNames> <string>docker-integration-tests</string> </enclosingBlockNames> <cases> <case> <duration>0.004158</duration> <className>TestFramework.DbFixtureGenerator.MeasuringModelBuilderTest</className> <testName>testCreate</testName> <skipped>false</skipped> <failedSince>0</failedSince> </case> <case> <duration>0.00341</duration> <className>TestFramework.DbFixtureGenerator.MeasuringModelBuilderTest</className> <testName>testCreateNotCurrent</testName> <skipped>false</skipped> <failedSince>0</failedSince> </case> <case> <duration>0.004291</duration> <className>TestFramework.DbFixtureGenerator.MeasuringModelBuilderTest</className> <testName>testCreateWithOneDefaultPoint</testName> <skipped>false</skipped> <failedSince>0</failedSince> </case> <case> <duration>0.005168</duration> <className>TestFramework.DbFixtureGenerator.MeasuringModelBuilderTest</className> <testName>testCreateWithPoints</testName> <skipped>false</skipped> <failedSince>0</failedSince> </case> </cases> </suite> </suites> <duration>16.892485</duration> <keepLongStdio>true</keepLongStdio> </result>
The latter ones I don't have now (they are thrown away), but I could of course try to get them if needed...
Oh, I just found one from yesterday which should IMHO still be up-to-date:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <testsuites> <testsuite name="./unittests/unit/" tests="482" assertions="925" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" time="0.780566"> <testsuite name="ACME_Accounting_Accountings_FileImporters_UBSTest" file="/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/ACME-Pipeline-WS@3/unittests/unit/app/admin/classes/accounting/accountings/fileimporters/ubsTest.php" tests="3" assertions="76" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" time="0.010088"> <testcase name="testCheckFile" class="ACME_Accounting_Accountings_FileImporters_UBSTest" classname="ACME_Accounting_Accountings_FileImporters_UBSTest" file="/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/ACME-Pipeline-WS@3/unittests/unit/app/admin/classes/accounting/accountings/fileimporters/ubsTest.php" line="11" assertions="2" time="0.006981"/> <testcase name="testImport" class="ACME_Accounting_Accountings_FileImporters_UBSTest" classname="ACME_Accounting_Accountings_FileImporters_UBSTest" file="/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/ACME-Pipeline-WS@3/unittests/unit/app/admin/classes/accounting/accountings/fileimporters/ubsTest.php" line="21" assertions="73" time="0.002706"/> <testcase name="testPossibleTenantsKeys" class="ACME_Accounting_Accountings_FileImporters_UBSTest" classname="ACME_Accounting_Accountings_FileImporters_UBSTest" file="/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/ACME-Pipeline-WS@3/unittests/unit/app/admin/classes/accounting/accountings/fileimporters/ubsTest.php" line="45" assertions="1" time="0.000401"/> </testsuite> <testsuite name="ACME\Accounting\Export\Abacus\GeneratorTest" file="/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/ACME-Pipeline-WS@3/unittests/unit/app/admin/classes/accounting/export/abacus/GeneratorTest.php" tests="1" assertions="1" errors="0" failures="0" skipped="0" time="0.013121"> ... </testsuite> </testsuites>
Frankly I am not sure that I understood your comment in https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-48020?focusedCommentId=319785&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-319785
Note that in my example:
- there were no failing tests
- there are definitely different test cases in same test classes (= test classes with same name) executed in the two different PHPUnit runs (filtered executions based on "@group" test annotations)
- but I would strongly assume there are some "unique" test classes per PHPUnit run as well
Basically, I was saying that the stage info isn't shown except for on individual tests - so, not in the list of packages on the initial test results screen, not on the list of classes when you click on one of the packages. You will see it in the list of cases within an individual test class, though. And with https://github.com/jenkinsci/junit-plugin/pull/89, the lists of failed tests will have the stage info as well.
(this is all in the classic UI - Blue Ocean isn't yet updated to take advantage of this information)
Also, I slept badly last night so may not be fully coherent. My apologies. =)
OK, now I got it, thanks for your patience; and I can actually see/confirm that ("shown for individual tests")
Just out of interest: are there any plans to pimp the visualization and not merge all test results together, but – frankly I don't know what the best UX would be – have one TestResult tab/entry per run or stage or so?
Maaaaybe? That's definitely on the roadmap for Blue Ocean, and I'll see if I can figure out something that makes sense for classic UI as well.
Code changed in jenkins
User: Andrew Bayer
[FIXED JENKINS-48020] Show stage in failed tests, fix warnings
First, this changes `CaseResult#getFullDisplayName()` to include
stage/branch names like `CaseResult#getDisplayName()`, so that the
full information will show up in lists of failed tests, for example.
Second, stop using `CaseResult#getDisplayName()` for indexing
`CaseResult`s in `SuiteResult`. That method will spam warnings if
called too early in the run now due to `CaseResult#getRun()` being
called before the `SuiteResult`'s parent is set.
Third, fix `JUnitResultsStepTest#testTrends` to actually test what
it's supposed to, to fail if it doesn't find the expected display
names, to test full display names as well, and to use the same
filename for the test results each time due to one of the stages' test
file not containing an explicit suite name, leading to its suite's
name being set to the filename, breaking `SuiteResult#getPreviousResult()`.
Thanks a lot for the quick fixes => looks good to me (at a first quick glance)
Any chance you could post your Jenkinsfile and your test reports xml?