Resolution: Unresolved
Amazon Linux 4.9.58-18.55.amzn1.x86_64, Docker version 17.06.2-ce, Jenkins 2.89, Artifactory 5.5.2, Artifactory Plugin 2.13.1
Description: I followed Jenkins Artifactory Plugin - Setting Up Docker Build Info and got
Pushing image: mycompany-docker-local.jfrog.io/my-app:2dca83a Docker build-info captured on 'Jenkins' agent. Successfully pushed docker image: mycompany-docker-local.jfrog.io/my-app:2dca83a [Pipeline] publishBuildInfo [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // stage [Pipeline] } [Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] End of Pipeline java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find the history docker layer: sha256:f88085956a84ef2f7a1e138ce82e3ac1a6d2c4c629c6d696643649810e202e7f for image: mycompany-docker-local.jfrog.io/my-app:2dca83a in Artifactory.
The Image push is successful via the reverse proxy. I was able to verify that the reverse proxy is setup correctly on docker by stopping Jenkins and trying to push/pull images to/from the artifactory instance.
My Jenkinsfile:
node { def server = Artifactory.server 'mycompany.jfrog.io' def rtDocker = Artifactory.docker credentialsId: 'jfrog-deploy' def commit_id stage ('Preparation') { checkout scm sh "git rev-parse --short HEAD > .git/commit-id" commit_id = readFile('.git/commit-id').trim() } stage ('build docker image') { img = docker.build('my-app') } stage ('test') { docker.image('my-app').inside { sh 'cd /app' sh 'npm start &' sh 'npm test' } } stage('docker build/push') { docker.build("mycompany-docker-local.jfrog.io/my-app:${commit_id}") def buildInfo = rtDocker.push("mycompany-docker-local.jfrog.io/my-app:${commit_id}", 'my-app') server.publishBuildInfo buildInfo } }
[JENKINS-48038] "Could not find the history docker layer" when publishing build Info to artifactory
Rank | New: Ranked higher |
Rank | New: Ranked higher |
Attachment | New: screenshot-1.png [ 40682 ] |
Attachment | New: image-2017-12-13-17-49-25-171.png [ 40683 ] |
Priority | Original: Minor [ 4 ] | New: Major [ 3 ] |