Resolution: Postponed
Jenkins LTS 2.73.3
P4 Plugin 1.8.3
Note that I can't repro this with a very small set of files to sync, so I'm using a path that has ~160MB at the moment. Found on a much larger job. Not sure where the dividing line is, but at this size it seems to be 100%.
Test script:
def syncWorkspace(branchName) { def workspaceSpec = templateSpec(charset: 'none', format: "Jenkins_Experiments_${branchName}_${env.NODE_NAME}", pinHost: true, templateName: <template>) def p4Env = checkout scm: perforce(credential: <credentials>, populate: autoClean(delete: true, modtime: false, pin: '', quiet: true, replace: true, tidy: false), workspace: workspaceSpec) println "${p4Env}" } node() { parallel firstBranch: { def branchName = 'firstBranch' syncWorkspace(branchName) }, secondBranch: { def branchName = 'secondBranch' syncWorkspace(branchName) } }
Output from the log statements:
[secondBranch] [HUDSON_CHANGELOG_FILE:/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Experiments/jobs/Test_P4Bug/builds/19/changelog0.xml, P4_CHANGELIST:13506, P4_CLIENT:Jenkins_Experiments_secondBranch_CGSERVER2, P4_PORT:, P4_TICKET:BB5D0811AB2A6ABE6D240C2E4A64A54B, P4_USER:headless] [firstBranch] [HUDSON_CHANGELOG_FILE:/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/Experiments/jobs/Test_P4Bug/builds/19/changelog0.xml, P4_CHANGELIST:13506, P4_CLIENT:Jenkins_Experiments_secondBranch_CGSERVER2, P4_PORT:, P4_TICKET:BB5D0811AB2A6ABE6D240C2E4A64A54B, P4_USER:headless]
On occasion, firstBranch will return the P4_CLIENT of secondBranch, but every recent run of this script has returned secondBranch for both. I imagine other variables might also be wrong in the result if they weren't identical across both checkout steps, but I haven't checked.