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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-48932

Build-failure-analyzer afected by JEP-200 in Jenkins 2.102


      Since latest update I get lots of:


      ConversionException: Refusing to unmarshal foundFailureCauses for security reasons; see https://jenkins.io/redirect/class-filter/ ---- Debugging information ---- class : java.util.Collections$SynchronizedRandomAccessList required-type : java.util.Collections$SynchronizedRandomAccessList converter-type : hudson.util.XStream2$BlacklistedTypesConverter path : /flow-build/actions/com.sonyericsson.jenkins.plugins.bfa.model.FailureCauseBuildAction/foundFailureCauses line number : 321 -------------------------------


      I have followed instruction prodided in the link found above:

      If you find such a case, please report it in the Jenkins issue tracker, under the appropriate plugin component. Link it to JENKINS-47736 and add the JEP-200 label. If at all possible, include complete steps to reproduce the problem from scratch. Jenkins developers will strive to evaluate the reason for the violation and offer a fix in the form of a core and/or plugin update. For more details and current status, see Plugins affected by fix for JEP-200.

          [JENKINS-48932] Build-failure-analyzer afected by JEP-200 in Jenkins 2.102

            oleg_nenashev Oleg Nenashev
            rvangoethem Remi Van Goethem
            1 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
