Resolution: Done
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JENKINS-49524 JenkinsDatabaseSecurityRealmTest#login_and_logout is flaky
- Closed
Thanks for looking into this. I have 2 comments:
olivergondza My main concern about using a released version of the ATH container instead of building from source is to make sure we use the latest fixes (same reason why we use master of the ATH itself instead of a released version) In your experience is this concern valid or the ATH container is stable enough to use a released version without worries?
Note that on first stages I am not using the ATH container (that means is not really needed), just starting up the selenium firefox one and using it, but I want to change that so for example if the ATH updates the selenium version I expect the container to be also updated and hence no changes in the job itself are needed
JenkinsDatabaseSecurityRealmTest#login_and_logout has shown some instability failing 6 times in the last 37 runs. The reason is always the same and I suspect that is a race condition after login, I am going to try to fix the test as I believe is important to make sure users can log in and out
expected:<jenkins-acceptance-tests-user (Full Name)> but was:<null (null)>
So, my initial set of changes did not worked, but it has confirmed the issue, for some reason sometimes the login takes more than ten seconds...
Timed out after 10 seconds: Element matching By.cssSelector: a[href='/user/jenkins-acceptance-tests-user'] is present
The changes I made did not entirely solve the issue but they have greatly reduced the frequency of it, two failures in 47 runs... I am going to continue with the same approach I suspect now the problem is a race condition related to the click on login button and the load of the next page
Two failures in 85 executions, the frequency has decreased even more but is still flaky and the same error... I am starting to wonder that this may be a real bug instead of a test problem...
Given the amount of integration testing related to security and login I am going to dedicate only today to this test, if I am not able to properly fix it (may it be a race condition on the UI, something related to how Jenkins notifies of login events, or a cache problem) my proposal will be to eliminate the test from the SmokeTest category
Confirmed that I have not been able to remove the flakiness of JenkinsDatabaseSecurityRealmTest#login_and_logout in a reasonable amount of time, so my proposal is to remove it from the `SmokeTest` category, create a ticket to try to fix it properly and add it again when fixed
ScriptTest and SlaveTest have not shown flakiness in my runs, BUT they have shown some lack of robustness against changes in the UI in the history, so is better to remove them from the list for the first implementation
So my proposal is to run the SmokeTest Category "fixed" by #PR-410
Code changed in jenkins
User: Raul Arabaolaza
JENKINS-49263 Remove login test from SmokeTest until is fixed
Code changed in jenkins
User: Raul Arabaolaza
JENKINS-49263 Remove ScriptTest from SmokeTest
Code changed in jenkins
User: Raul Arabaolaza
JENKINS-49263 Remove SlaveTest from SmokeTest
Code changed in jenkins
User: Oliver Gondža
Merge pull request #410 from raul-arabaolaza/JENKINS-49263
JENKINS-49263 Remove flaky and no robust enough tests from SmokeTest Category
There is a SmokeTest category in the ATH which seems interesting, it covers:
The entire category run (including checkout, docker images run and all the needed set up) takes between 10 and 12 min in my test instance, according to Javadoc is meant to not have more than 10 tests and has been there for some quite time. DISCLAIMER: I am not running in my local instance using the ATH docker image, will do that after I have some data with plain runs just to compare results
Below is a list of the concrete tests executed and some stability measures
I am currently performing runs of those tests on my test instance every half an hour to get more data about failures and timings, if no problems are found I would recommend to create a new category in the ATH mostly based on the SmokeTest one without the tests that have shown any failure.
Will update this with data after 24 hours of runs. Any comment so far vilacides rtyler olivergondza ?