Hi Hao,
Daniel is right, It sounds that your issue is not related to the Jenkins Infrastructure project.
I am moving your ticket to the 'Jenkins' Jira project.
Quote from 'How to report an issue'
You need to register an account if you haven't already. Then, just select Create Issue on the JIRA home page.
For Project select:
Jenkins for general issues with Jenkins, <---
Security Issues if you want to report a security issue privately, or
Infrastructure if you're reporting a bug with the Jenkins web site, wiki, or any other services run by the Jenkins project.
This is the issue tracker of the Jenkins project infrastructure. Unless there are problems on ci.jenkins.io, we don't care.
If this should be a Jenkins bug report, please follow the instructions at https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/How+to+report+an+issue