Resolution: Duplicate
Jenkins 2.108
ace-editor 1.1 true
analysis-collector 1.52 true
analysis-core 1.94 true
ant 1.8 true
antisamy-markup-formatter 1.5 true
apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api 4.5.3-2.1 true
authentication-tokens 1.3 true
bouncycastle-api 2.16.2 true
branch-api 2.0.18 true
build-blocker-plugin 1.7.3 true
build-flow-plugin 0.20 true
build-monitor-plugin 1.12+build.201708172343 true
build-name-setter 1.6.8 true
buildgraph-view 1.8 true
categorized-view 1.10 true
checkstyle 3.50 true
cloudbees-credentials 3.3 true
cloudbees-folder 6.3 true
command-launcher 1.2 true
conditional-buildstep 1.3.6 true
config-file-provider 2.17 true
configurationslicing 1.47 true
copyartifact 1.39 true
credentials 2.1.16 true
credentials-binding 1.15 true
cvs 2.13 true
description-setter 1.10 true
display-url-api 2.2.0 true
docker-commons 1.11 true
docker-workflow 1.15.1 true
downstream-buildview 1.9 true
doxygen 0.18 true
durable-task 1.18 true
ec2-deployment-dashboard 1.0.10 true
email-ext 2.61 true
email-ext-recipients-column 1.0 true
emotional-jenkins-plugin 1.2 true
envinject 2.1.5 true
envinject-api 1.5 true
exclusive-execution 0.8 true
external-monitor-job 1.7 true
extra-columns 1.18 true
findbugs 4.72 true
git 3.7.0 true
git-client 2.7.1 true
git-server 1.7 true
gnat 0.14 true
greenballs 1.15 true
handlebars 1.1.1 true
icon-shim 2.0.3 true
ivy 1.28 true
ivytrigger 0.34 true
jackson2-api true
jacoco 2.1.0 true
javadoc 1.4 true
jira 2.5 true
job-dsl 1.68 true
jquery 1.12.4-0 true
jquery-detached 1.2.1 true
jquery-ui 1.0.2 true
jsch true
junit 1.24 true
ldap 1.20 true
mailer 1.20 true
mapdb-api true
matrix-auth 2.2 true
matrix-project 1.12 true
maven-plugin 3.1 true
momentjs 1.1.1 true
nexus-artifact-uploader 2.10 true
nexus-task-runner 0.9.2 true
pam-auth 1.3 true
parameterized-trigger 2.35.2 true
pipeline-build-step 2.7 true
pipeline-graph-analysis 1.6 true
pipeline-input-step 2.8 true
pipeline-milestone-step 1.3.1 true
pipeline-model-api 1.2.7 true
pipeline-model-declarative-agent 1.1.1 true
pipeline-model-definition 1.2.7 true
pipeline-model-extensions 1.2.7 true
pipeline-rest-api 2.9 true
pipeline-stage-step 2.3 true
pipeline-stage-tags-metadata 1.2.7 true
pipeline-stage-view 2.9 true
plain-credentials 1.4 true
plot 2.0.3 true
pollscm 1.3.1 true
project-description-setter 1.2 true
promoted-builds 2.31.1 true
python 1.3 true
repository-connector 1.2.3 true
resource-disposer 0.8 true
role-strategy 2.7.0 true
run-condition 1.0 true
scm-api 2.2.6 true
script-security 1.41 true
ssh-agent 1.15 true
ssh-credentials 1.13 true
ssh-slaves 1.25.1 true
status-view 1.0 true
structs 1.14 true
subversion 2.7.1 true
svn-release-mgr 1.2 true
svn-tag 1.18 true
tasks 4.52 true
text-finder 1.10 true
text-finder-run-condition 0.1 true
thinBackup 1.9 true
throttle-concurrents 2.0.1 true
token-macro 2.3 true
translation 1.16 true
view-job-filters 1.27 true
violation-columns 1.6 true
violations 0.7.11 true
warnings 4.65 true
windows-slaves 1.3.1 true
workflow-aggregator 2.5 true
workflow-api 2.25 true
workflow-basic-steps 2.6 true
workflow-cps 2.45 true
workflow-cps-global-lib 2.9 true
workflow-durable-task-step 2.19 true
workflow-job 2.17 true
workflow-multibranch 2.17 true
workflow-scm-step 2.6 true
workflow-step-api 2.14 true
workflow-support 2.18 true
ws-cleanup 0.34 true
xunit 1.102 trueJenkins 2.108 ace-editor 1.1 true analysis-collector 1.52 true analysis-core 1.94 true ant 1.8 true antisamy-markup-formatter 1.5 true apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api 4.5.3-2.1 true authentication-tokens 1.3 true bouncycastle-api 2.16.2 true branch-api 2.0.18 true build-blocker-plugin 1.7.3 true build-flow-plugin 0.20 true build-monitor-plugin 1.12+build.201708172343 true build-name-setter 1.6.8 true buildgraph-view 1.8 true categorized-view 1.10 true checkstyle 3.50 true cloudbees-credentials 3.3 true cloudbees-folder 6.3 true command-launcher 1.2 true conditional-buildstep 1.3.6 true config-file-provider 2.17 true configurationslicing 1.47 true copyartifact 1.39 true credentials 2.1.16 true credentials-binding 1.15 true cvs 2.13 true description-setter 1.10 true display-url-api 2.2.0 true docker-commons 1.11 true docker-workflow 1.15.1 true downstream-buildview 1.9 true doxygen 0.18 true durable-task 1.18 true ec2-deployment-dashboard 1.0.10 true email-ext 2.61 true email-ext-recipients-column 1.0 true emotional-jenkins-plugin 1.2 true envinject 2.1.5 true envinject-api 1.5 true exclusive-execution 0.8 true external-monitor-job 1.7 true extra-columns 1.18 true findbugs 4.72 true git 3.7.0 true git-client 2.7.1 true git-server 1.7 true gnat 0.14 true greenballs 1.15 true handlebars 1.1.1 true icon-shim 2.0.3 true ivy 1.28 true ivytrigger 0.34 true jackson2-api true jacoco 2.1.0 true javadoc 1.4 true jira 2.5 true job-dsl 1.68 true jquery 1.12.4-0 true jquery-detached 1.2.1 true jquery-ui 1.0.2 true jsch true junit 1.24 true ldap 1.20 true mailer 1.20 true mapdb-api true matrix-auth 2.2 true matrix-project 1.12 true maven-plugin 3.1 true momentjs 1.1.1 true nexus-artifact-uploader 2.10 true nexus-task-runner 0.9.2 true pam-auth 1.3 true parameterized-trigger 2.35.2 true pipeline-build-step 2.7 true pipeline-graph-analysis 1.6 true pipeline-input-step 2.8 true pipeline-milestone-step 1.3.1 true pipeline-model-api 1.2.7 true pipeline-model-declarative-agent 1.1.1 true pipeline-model-definition 1.2.7 true pipeline-model-extensions 1.2.7 true pipeline-rest-api 2.9 true pipeline-stage-step 2.3 true pipeline-stage-tags-metadata 1.2.7 true pipeline-stage-view 2.9 true plain-credentials 1.4 true plot 2.0.3 true pollscm 1.3.1 true project-description-setter 1.2 true promoted-builds 2.31.1 true python 1.3 true repository-connector 1.2.3 true resource-disposer 0.8 true role-strategy 2.7.0 true run-condition 1.0 true scm-api 2.2.6 true script-security 1.41 true ssh-agent 1.15 true ssh-credentials 1.13 true ssh-slaves 1.25.1 true status-view 1.0 true structs 1.14 true subversion 2.7.1 true svn-release-mgr 1.2 true svn-tag 1.18 true tasks 4.52 true text-finder 1.10 true text-finder-run-condition 0.1 true thinBackup 1.9 true throttle-concurrents 2.0.1 true token-macro 2.3 true translation 1.16 true view-job-filters 1.27 true violation-columns 1.6 true violations 0.7.11 true warnings 4.65 true windows-slaves 1.3.1 true workflow-aggregator 2.5 true workflow-api 2.25 true workflow-basic-steps 2.6 true workflow-cps 2.45 true workflow-cps-global-lib 2.9 true workflow-durable-task-step 2.19 true workflow-job 2.17 true workflow-multibranch 2.17 true workflow-scm-step 2.6 true workflow-step-api 2.14 true workflow-support 2.18 true ws-cleanup 0.34 true xunit 1.102 true
I upgraded to Jenkins 2.108. Also I upgraded all plugins to newest Version.
When I try to open the job configuration for an ivy project, than the page shows "Loading " and hangs. The log files doesn't list any errors. It is not possible get the configuration page.
Creation of a new Job (maven project for example) is also impossible, because of the same error. Configuration page only Shows Loading...
When I downgrade the ssh credential plugin, then the page is shown, but it is very instable (apply button sometimes are not shown). Also some other plugins are not loaded because of dependency Errors (maven plugin for example) . So it is not a solution for me.
- duplicates
JENKINS-49630 Unable to view configuration of some projects after upgrade to 2.107
- Resolved
[JENKINS-49688] Job Configration page shows Loading... and hangs
Link |
This issue duplicates |
Resolution | New: Duplicate [ 3 ] | |
Status | Original: Open [ 1 ] | New: Resolved [ 5 ] |
Do you have Violations plugin installed?