When using the GitHub Organization Folder; if a branch or repository is scheduled to be deleted, there is no visual indication when visiting a sub-page.
- Set the Org Folder's configuration "Days to keep old items" under "Discard old items" to 1 or higher (I use 4 days)
In GitHub create a branch with a Jenkinsfile
Wait for it to be built.
- Once built, delete the branch.
- In the repository page in Jenkins, it'll show the branch as being
struck-through to mark it as pending deletion.
Click on the branch.
Note how the page (which is for the branch job that will be deleted) looks identical to a page that isn't going to be deleted.
- Click on the build
- Note how it is also doesn't show that is is about to be deleted.
I would expect that there would be some indicator on the job, build, or console page that the repository, branch, or build is going to be deleted.
I have spent hours, multiple times, trying to figure out where the "replay" link went or where build "21" went away, when it was actually not 21 but was PR #1, etc.