Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins 2.89.4
ace-editor: 1.1
analysis-core: 1.94
ansicolor: 0.5.2
antisamy-markup-formatter: 1.5
ant: 1.8
apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api: 4.5.3-2.1
artifactory: 2.14.0
authentication-tokens: 1.3
blueocean-autofavorite: 1.2.1
blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline: 1.4.2
blueocean-commons: 1.4.2
blueocean-config: 1.4.2
blueocean-core-js: 1.4.2
blueocean-dashboard: 1.4.2
blueocean-display-url: 2.2.0
blueocean-events: 1.4.2
blueocean-github-pipeline: 1.4.2
blueocean-git-pipeline: 1.4.2
blueocean-i18n: 1.4.2
blueocean-jira: 1.4.2
blueocean-jwt: 1.4.2
blueocean: 1.4.2
blueocean-personalization: 1.4.2
blueocean-pipeline-api-impl: 1.4.2
blueocean-pipeline-editor: 1.4.2
blueocean-pipeline-scm-api: 1.4.2
blueocean-rest-impl: 1.4.2
blueocean-rest: 1.4.2
blueocean-web: 1.4.2
bouncycastle-api: 2.16.2
branch-api: 2.0.18
build-timeout: 1.19
buildtriggerbadge: 2.9
build-user-vars-plugin: 1.5
checkstyle: 3.50
cli-commander: 0.3
cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source: 2.2.10
cloudbees-folder: 6.3
command-launcher: 1.2
conditional-buildstep: 1.3.6
config-file-provider: 2.17
copyartifact: 1.39
credentials-binding: 1.15
credentials: 2.1.16
cucumber-reports: 3.14.0
cvs: 2.13
dashboard-view: 2.9.11
display-url-api: 2.2.0
docker-commons: 1.11
docker-workflow: 1.15.1
durable-task: 1.18
email-ext: 2.61
embeddable-build-status: 1.9
envinject-api: 1.5
envinject: 2.1.5
extended-read-permission: 2.0
external-monitor-job: 1.7
favorite: 2.3.1
findbugs: 4.72
git-client: 2.7.1
github-api: 1.90
github-branch-source: 2.3.2
github: 1.29.0
github-oauth: 0.29
git: 3.7.0
git-server: 1.7
gradle: 1.28
groovy: 2.0
groovy-postbuild: 2.3.1
handlebars: 1.1.1
handy-uri-templates-2-api: 2.1.6-1.0
htmlpublisher: 1.14
icon-shim: 2.0.3
ivy: 1.28
jacoco: 3.0.1
javadoc: 1.4
jenkins-design-language: 1.4.2
jira: 2.5.1
job-dsl: 1.68
jquery-detached: 1.2.1
junit: 1.24
ldap: 1.20
lockable-resources: 2.1
mailer: 1.20
matrix-auth: 2.2
matrix-project: 1.12
maven-plugin: 3.1
mercurial: 2.2
metrics-graphite: 3.0.0
modernstatus: 1.2
momentjs: 1.1.1
monitoring: 1.71.0
pam-auth: 1.3
parameterized-trigger: 2.35.2
pegdown-formatter: 1.3
performance: 3.5
pipeline-build-step: 2.7
pipeline-github-lib: 1.0
pipeline-graph-analysis: 1.6
pipeline-input-step: 2.8
pipeline-maven: 3.3.2
pipeline-milestone-step: 1.3.1
pipeline-model-api: 1.2.7
pipeline-model-declarative-agent: 1.1.1
pipeline-model-definition: 1.2.7
pipeline-model-extensions: 1.2.7
pipeline-rest-api: 2.9
pipeline-stage-step: 2.3
pipeline-stage-tags-metadata: 1.2.7
pipeline-stage-view: 2.9
pipeline-utility-steps: 2.0.1
plain-credentials: 1.4
pmd: 3.50
pubsub-light: 1.12
rebuild: 1.27
resource-disposer: 0.8
run-condition: 1.0
scm-api: 2.2.6
script-security: 1.41
sidebar-link: 1.9.1
simple-theme-plugin: 0.4
slack: 2.3
sse-gateway: 1.15
ssh-agent: 1.15
ssh-credentials: 1.13
ssh-slaves: 1.25.1
structs: 1.14
subversion: 2.10.2
support-core: 2.44
swarm: 3.10
tap: 2.2.1
timestamper: 1.8.9
token-macro: 2.3
translation: 1.16
variant: 1.1
view-job-filters: 1.27
webhook-step: 1.3
windows-slaves: 1.3.1
workflow-aggregator: 2.5
workflow-api: 2.26
workflow-basic-steps: 2.6
workflow-cps-global-lib: 2.9
workflow-cps: 2.45
workflow-durable-task-step: 2.19
workflow-job: 2.17
workflow-multibranch: 2.17
workflow-scm-step: 2.6
workflow-step-api: 2.14
workflow-support: 2.18
ws-cleanup: 0.34
xunit: 1.102Jenkins 2.89.4 ace-editor: 1.1 analysis-core: 1.94 ansicolor: 0.5.2 antisamy-markup-formatter: 1.5 ant: 1.8 apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api: 4.5.3-2.1 artifactory: 2.14.0 authentication-tokens: 1.3 blueocean-autofavorite: 1.2.1 blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline: 1.4.2 blueocean-commons: 1.4.2 blueocean-config: 1.4.2 blueocean-core-js: 1.4.2 blueocean-dashboard: 1.4.2 blueocean-display-url: 2.2.0 blueocean-events: 1.4.2 blueocean-github-pipeline: 1.4.2 blueocean-git-pipeline: 1.4.2 blueocean-i18n: 1.4.2 blueocean-jira: 1.4.2 blueocean-jwt: 1.4.2 blueocean: 1.4.2 blueocean-personalization: 1.4.2 blueocean-pipeline-api-impl: 1.4.2 blueocean-pipeline-editor: 1.4.2 blueocean-pipeline-scm-api: 1.4.2 blueocean-rest-impl: 1.4.2 blueocean-rest: 1.4.2 blueocean-web: 1.4.2 bouncycastle-api: 2.16.2 branch-api: 2.0.18 build-timeout: 1.19 buildtriggerbadge: 2.9 build-user-vars-plugin: 1.5 checkstyle: 3.50 cli-commander: 0.3 cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source: 2.2.10 cloudbees-folder: 6.3 command-launcher: 1.2 conditional-buildstep: 1.3.6 config-file-provider: 2.17 copyartifact: 1.39 credentials-binding: 1.15 credentials: 2.1.16 cucumber-reports: 3.14.0 cvs: 2.13 dashboard-view: 2.9.11 display-url-api: 2.2.0 docker-commons: 1.11 docker-workflow: 1.15.1 durable-task: 1.18 email-ext: 2.61 embeddable-build-status: 1.9 envinject-api: 1.5 envinject: 2.1.5 extended-read-permission: 2.0 external-monitor-job: 1.7 favorite: 2.3.1 findbugs: 4.72 git-client: 2.7.1 github-api: 1.90 github-branch-source: 2.3.2 github: 1.29.0 github-oauth: 0.29 git: 3.7.0 git-server: 1.7 gradle: 1.28 groovy: 2.0 groovy-postbuild: 2.3.1 handlebars: 1.1.1 handy-uri-templates-2-api: 2.1.6-1.0 htmlpublisher: 1.14 icon-shim: 2.0.3 ivy: 1.28 jackson2-api: jacoco: 3.0.1 javadoc: 1.4 jenkins-design-language: 1.4.2 jira: 2.5.1 job-dsl: 1.68 jquery-detached: 1.2.1 jsch: junit: 1.24 ldap: 1.20 lockable-resources: 2.1 mailer: 1.20 mapdb-api: matrix-auth: 2.2 matrix-project: 1.12 maven-plugin: 3.1 mercurial: 2.2 metrics-graphite: 3.0.0 metrics: modernstatus: 1.2 momentjs: 1.1.1 monitoring: 1.71.0 pam-auth: 1.3 parameterized-trigger: 2.35.2 pegdown-formatter: 1.3 performance: 3.5 pipeline-build-step: 2.7 pipeline-github-lib: 1.0 pipeline-graph-analysis: 1.6 pipeline-input-step: 2.8 pipeline-maven: 3.3.2 pipeline-milestone-step: 1.3.1 pipeline-model-api: 1.2.7 pipeline-model-declarative-agent: 1.1.1 pipeline-model-definition: 1.2.7 pipeline-model-extensions: 1.2.7 pipeline-rest-api: 2.9 pipeline-stage-step: 2.3 pipeline-stage-tags-metadata: 1.2.7 pipeline-stage-view: 2.9 pipeline-utility-steps: 2.0.1 plain-credentials: 1.4 pmd: 3.50 pubsub-light: 1.12 rebuild: 1.27 resource-disposer: 0.8 run-condition: 1.0 scm-api: 2.2.6 script-security: 1.41 sidebar-link: 1.9.1 simple-theme-plugin: 0.4 slack: 2.3 sse-gateway: 1.15 ssh-agent: 1.15 ssh-credentials: 1.13 ssh-slaves: 1.25.1 structs: 1.14 subversion: 2.10.2 support-core: 2.44 swarm: 3.10 tap: 2.2.1 timestamper: 1.8.9 token-macro: 2.3 translation: 1.16 variant: 1.1 view-job-filters: 1.27 webhook-step: 1.3 windows-slaves: 1.3.1 workflow-aggregator: 2.5 workflow-api: 2.26 workflow-basic-steps: 2.6 workflow-cps-global-lib: 2.9 workflow-cps: 2.45 workflow-durable-task-step: 2.19 workflow-job: 2.17 workflow-multibranch: 2.17 workflow-scm-step: 2.6 workflow-step-api: 2.14 workflow-support: 2.18 ws-cleanup: 0.34 xunit: 1.102
The progress bars for builds inside the "Build Executor Status" sidebar are all (or nearly all) showing unknown progress.
It is as if the estimating is broken.
- is related to
JENKINS-75259 Job start time and remaining time gone from root build history widget for freestyle jobs
- Closed
[JENKINS-49749] progress-bar isn't showing an estimate
Description |
The progress bars for builds inside the "Build Executor Status" sidebar are missing. I don't see any errors in the JavaScript console. The HTML looks like this: {noformat} <table tooltip="Started 1 hr 27 min ago<br> Estimated remaining time: N/A" style="cursor:pointer" href="/job/watson-engagement-advisor/job/conversation-vault/job/develop/244/console" class="progress-bar " title="Started 1 hr 27 min ago<br> Estimated remaining time: N/A"> <tbody> <tr class="unknown"> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> {noformat} I find the {{class=unknown}} suspicious. |
The progress bars for builds inside the "Build Executor Status" sidebar are missing. I don't see any errors in the JavaScript console. The HTML looks like this: {noformat} <table tooltip="Started 1 hr 27 min ago<br> Estimated remaining time: N/A" style="cursor:pointer" href="/job/develop/244/console" class="progress-bar " title="Started 1 hr 27 min ago<br> Estimated remaining time: N/A"> <tbody> <tr class="unknown"> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> {noformat} I find the {{class=unknown}} suspicious. |
Summary | Original: progress-bar isn't shown anymore | New: progress-bar isn't showing an estimate |
Description |
The progress bars for builds inside the "Build Executor Status" sidebar are missing. I don't see any errors in the JavaScript console. The HTML looks like this: {noformat} <table tooltip="Started 1 hr 27 min ago<br> Estimated remaining time: N/A" style="cursor:pointer" href="/job/develop/244/console" class="progress-bar " title="Started 1 hr 27 min ago<br> Estimated remaining time: N/A"> <tbody> <tr class="unknown"> <td></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> {noformat} I find the {{class=unknown}} suspicious. |
The progress bars for builds inside the "Build Executor Status" sidebar are all (or nearly all) showing unknown progress. It is as if the estimating is broken. |
Comment |
[ Also, the CSS rules for the {{progress-unknown.gif}} or {{progress-unknown-red.gif}} isn't working. I think it needs a {{td}} at the end of the selectors: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/blob/master/war/src/main/webapp/css/style.css#L1601 and https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/blob/master/war/src/main/webapp/css/style.css#L1617 ] |
Comment |
[ I filed a fix for the CSS here: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/pull/3314 But there is still a problem with _most_ of my builds having no progress meter (e.g. they are unknown). ] |
Link |
This issue is related to |
Released As | New: 2.498 | |
Resolution | New: Fixed [ 1 ] | |
Status | Original: Open [ 1 ] | New: Fixed but Unreleased [ 10203 ] |