Scan organization is set to 1 min and runs every 1 min, but does not build my changes.
This is the log
Looking up JU/jbasetraining for branches
Checking branch release/2.0.0 from JU/jbasetraining
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
1 branches were processed (query completed)
I did find that if I enter the configure option at the organization level, make a change to the config (any change) and save it. It automatically starts an organizational scan with this log value
Looking up JU/jbasetraining for branches
Checking branch release/2.0.0 from JU/jbasetraining
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
1 branches were processed (query completed)
Looks the same as the 1min scan above, but it also builds my changes.
So for some reason, the 1min checking of the code changes at the organizational level does not detect code changes, but a save to the config at the organizational level does find the changes.
Scan organization is set to 1 min and runs every 1 min, but does not build my changes.
This is the log
Looking up JU/jbasetraining for branches
Checking branch release/2.0.0 from JU/jbasetraining
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
1 branches were processed (query completed)
I did find that if I enter the configure option at the organization level, make a change to the config (any change) and save it. It automatically starts an organizational scan with this log value
Looking up JU/jbasetraining for branches
Checking branch release/2.0.0 from JU/jbasetraining
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
1 branches were processed (query completed)
Looks the same as the 1min scan above, but it also builds my changes.
So for some reason, the 1min checking of the code changes at the organizational level does not detect code changes, but a save to the config at the organizational level does find the changes.