Resolution: Fixed
MacOS 10.13.3
Chrome Version 64.0.3282.186
Safari Version 11.0.3
Ubuntu 16.04
Jenkins 2.89.4
email-ext 2.61
I am unable to unset ext-email triggers form the Manage Jenkins > configuration page. If I click on a checked trigger the checkmark is removed. I then press the apply button, it flashes a "saved" message, then I press save, which takes me back to the Jenkins home page. However, when I return to the Manage Jenkins > configuration page the triggers that I tried to unset are again checked.
When the apply button is pressed it seems to work as expected, however there are no entries in the JSON for any of the triggers. If I were to take an educated guess the action of unchecking the checkbox is not behaving as expected, therefore the javascript collecting the form data does not consider the triggers changed. Now, the opposite is not true, if I set a previously unset trigger it behaves as expected.
I am also receiving javascript errors in the console upon page load; screen shot included below.
It has nothing to do with INFRA, moving the ticket