Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins v2.84, Pipeline: Groovy v2.41
Here's a minimal example that works outside of sandbox but fails in sandbox:
def func = { 1 };
this.func2 = { 1 };
assert 1 == func();
assert 1 == func2.call();
assert 1 == func2(); // this line fails
It appears as if the it.call() -> it() syntactic sugar, which afaik is part of the language spec, is not honored in restricted sandbox under certain circumstances that make it difficult to create dynamic functions; ideally, I'd like to do something resembling:
def files = sh(returnStdout:true,script:'ls vars/*.groovy'}.trim();
for(file in files){this."${file.subscript(5,file.size()-7)}" = load file; }
Unlike method signatures which can be whitelisted, because this is a language feature it does not appear to be possible to enable.
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